lifelineMDD Protecting and restoring ecological connectivity in the Mura-Drava-Danube river corridor through cross-sectoral cooperation

Filename Date of upload
O.T2.4 River Restoration Strategy 31-03-2023 11:03:10
Living Waters (Laymans EN) 26-01-2023 09:58:29
Living Sediments (Laymans EN) 26-01-2023 09:57:42
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study 17-01-2023 10:34:27
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.1 17-01-2023 10:34:59
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.2 17-01-2023 10:35:25
D.T1.1.2 River breeding bird study Annex 7.3 17-01-2023 10:35:57
D.T1.3.1 Synthesis Report on science based needs for action 16-01-2023 10:48:00
D.T1.3.2 Hydropeaking Study 10-01-2023 14:29:30
Živa reka (Laymans SLO) 02-01-2023 11:06:38
Živi rečni sedimenti (Laymans SLO) 02-01-2023 11:04:47
Живе воде (Laymans SERB) 02-01-2023 09:49:59
Живи седимент (Laymans SERB) 02-01-2023 09:48:43
Élő folyók (Laymans HU) 02-01-2023 09:40:32
Élő folyók, dinamikus hordalék (Laymans HU) 02-01-2023 09:35:55
Lebendige Gewässer (Laymas DE) 02-01-2023 09:25:33
Lebendige Sedimente (Laymans DE) 02-01-2023 09:22:09
Živi sediment (Laymans CRO) 02-01-2023 09:16:46
Žive rijeke (Laymans brochure CRO) 02-01-2023 09:16:07
Final project brochure ENG 02-01-2023 08:57:28
Final project brochure DE 02-01-2023 08:59:53
Final project brochure CRO 02-01-2023 09:01:53
Final project brochure SLO 02-01-2023 09:03:58
Final project brochure SEB 02-01-2023 09:06:30
Final project brochure HU 16-01-2023 10:41:40
River Restoration Toolbox HU 19-12-2022 16:35:09
O.T4.1 Roadmap for proactive cooperation of stakeholders in the TBR MDD 15-12-2022 10:57:07
D.T1.2.3 Sediment balance and transport study 14-12-2022 09:54:53
D.T1.2.1 River training structures and historical mapping 28-11-2022 17:17:40
D.T2.1.1 Hydromorphological laboratory model 28-11-2022 17:05:06
D.T2.1 Report about experience exchange on river restoration 22-09-2022 12:14:42
D.T1.2.2 Sediment mobilization study 29-06-2022 09:53:19
D.T1.1.1 Fish population status report 29-06-2022 09:48:16
D.T1.1.1 Annex 1 - Fish study Serbia 29-06-2022 09:50:17
D.T1.2.4 Climate Change study 29-06-2022 09:45:45
D.T1.2.4 Climate Change Hydrologic study 29-06-2022 09:44:26
lifelineMDD River Restoration Toolbox 27-05-2022 13:55:24
River Restoration Toolbox HR 16-01-2023 12:16:04
HU_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:59:14
SLO_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:58:20
RS_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:57:33
HR_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:56:45
DE_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:55:32
EN_Training Handbook_lifelineMDD booklet 29-03-2022 13:54:32
lifelineMDD leaflet 21-12-2020 09:04:48
HR_lifelineMDD leaflet 21-12-2020 10:10:01
SRB_lifelineMDD leaflet 21-12-2020 10:38:27
HU_lifelineMDD leaflet 11-02-2021 11:49:35
DE_lifelineMDD leaflet 11-02-2021 11:50:17
SLO_lifelineMDD leaflet 11-02-2021 11:50:45
ENG_lifelineMDD leaflet 11-02-2021 11:51:10

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)