

The acronym is the abbreviation used for the project title or project partners.

Applicants Manual

The Applicants Manual is part of the Application Pack intended to provide applicants detailed and specific information about the programme, project requirements, eligibility rules, application and assessment processes, project implementation principles and to guide them through the drafting of the project proposals.


A beneficiary is an entity receiving EU funds for the implementation of a project.


Capitalisation is the valorisation of knowledge and results generated by previous projects in a certain thematic field meant to ensure a stronger impact on the policy making process at local, regional, national and European level.


In general terms it refers to the situation when there are 2 financing sources for the same project or activity. In the EU programmes environment, usually there are 2 or more sources of financing. In case of Danube Transnational Programme, financing is provided from a) ERDF and state contribution  and/or own sources (can be public or private) of the project participant and/or other contribution (e.g. regional/local/other sources) or b) IPA and state contribution and/or own sources (can be public or private) of the project participant and/or other contribution (e.g. regional/local/other sources).

Cohesion Policy

Cohesion policy was enshrined in the Treaties with the adoption of the Single European Act (1986). It is built on the assumption that redistribution between richer and poorer regions in Europe is needed in order to balance out the effects of further economic, social and territorial integration.


Coordination is the synchronization and integration of activities, responsibilities, and command and control structures to ensure that resources are used most efficiently in pursuit of the specified objectives.


Durability of projects outputs and results refers to the long-lasting effect of the project achievements beyond project implementation timeframe.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs are the project-related costs reported by the beneficiaries which are in line with the applicable programme eligibility rules and which are reimbursed from ERDF or IPA II funds.

ERDF and IPA co-financing rate

ERDF and IPA co-financing rate is the 85 percentage applied to the eligible expenditure of each individual partner resulting in the amount of co-financing to be reimbursed.

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

The ERDF is one of the five Structural Funds and it is intended to help to reduce imbalances between regions of the Community. The Fund grants financial assistance for development projects in the EU regions. In terms of financial resources, the ERDF is by far the largest of the EU’s Structural Funds.

First Level Control (centralised/ decentralised)

The First Level Control is the system set up by each Partner State in order to carry out verifications at national level with regard to the use of ERDF/ IPA funds against established procedures in terms of delivery of products and services according to the approved Application Form, verification of the reality of claimed expenditure, ensuring compliance with the terms of the Commission decision on the programme, compliance with the national and Community rules on eligibility of expenditure, public procurement, state aid, protection of the environment and equal opportunities. FLC may be centralised, i.e. a central body is appointed by the respective country to carry out the control activities, or decentralised, i.e. the controlled project partner appoints its controller (however, in this case, limitations on the selection of the controller may be imposed by the Partner State).

First Level Controller

The First Level Controller is the private or public body or individual designated by the Partner States to carry out control activities with regard to the use of ERDF/ IPA funds.

Flat rate

Flat rate is a level of payment that is the same in all cases, calculated as percentage of a certain amount.

Intervention Logic

The intervention logic is the backbone of the project and the programme, demonstrating the link in terms of existing challenge/ need, objectives, expected results and outputs. The project intervention logic will have to show how the intended change will be achieved through planned activities.

Lead partner (LP)

The Lead Partner is the project partner having full financial responsibility for the entire project and being responsible for the overall coordination of the project, including proper reporting of progress to the Joint Secretariat as also stipulated in the Subsidy Contract.

Lump sum

A lump sum is a fixed amount of money that is paid entirely on one occasion/ at a particular time.

Macro-regional strategy

A macro-regional strategy means an integrated framework endorsed by the European Council, which may be supported by the ESI Funds among others, to address common challenges faced by a defined geographical area relating to Member States and third countries located in the same geographical area which thereby benefit from strengthened cooperation contributing to achievement of economic, social and territorial cohesion (according to Article 2(31) of the CPR).

Pilot action

A pilot action is to be understood as a practical implementation of newly developed solutions (e.g. services, tools, methods or approaches, even an investment). A pilot action has an experimental nature which aims at testing, evaluating and/or demonstrating the feasibility and effectiveness of a scheme. Therefore, it covers either the testing of innovative solutions or demonstrating the application of existing solutions to a certain territory/ sector. A pilot action is limited in its scope (area, duration, scale etc.) and must be unprecedented in a comparable environment.

Programme Priorities

The Programme Priorities are the thematic areas around which the programme is structured.

Progress Report

The Progress Report is the report to be submitted by the Lead Partner to the JS at the end of each reporting period outlining performed activities within the period as well as associated eligible expenditure. It documents the progress of the project and serves as reimbursement request.

Real costs

Real costs represent the expenditure actually incurred and paid (as opposed to lump sums or sums resulting from applying flat rates) and supported by invoices and other documents of equivalent probative value.

Reporting period

A reporting period is generally a six-month period, the deadlines for which will be set in the Subsidy Contract and at the end of which the Lead Partners will have to submit a Progress Report. Reporting periods will be established for each Call for Proposals so that projects implemented within the same CfP will have the same reporting deadlines. The first and the last reporting periods may differ in length depending on the start/ end date of the project.

State contribution

The state contribution is the national public contribution representing a certain percentage of the eligible expenditure to be secured by the Partner States in accordance with national regulations.

Subsidy contract

The Subsidy Contract is the contract signed between the MA/JS and the Lead Partner of each project stipulating the provisions to be observed by both parties during the implementation of the project.


A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term and overall aim. In the context of transnational cooperation, a strategy should have as starting point a definition of common problems or challenges of the participating countries/ regions. The strategy should set up clear mid and long term objectives and priorities reflecting also the common vision of the programme geographical area in the specific field. The involvement of the relevant stakeholders is crucial, since the strategy should be a reflection of their needs and ensure its sustainability and future implementation. Strategies should aim at policy integration in the programme area in the selected fields of action and act as policy drivers below EU level but above national level. An action plan should provide a breakdown of the specific actions aimed at reaching the strategic goals and objectives. For a strategy to succeed, it should include the sequence of steps to be taken and activities that must be performed. Furthermore, it should include a timeline and a timeframe, as well as financial resources and responsible actors.

Target group

The target group consists of those individuals and/or organisations towards which the project aims are directed and which will therefore be directly or indirectly affected by the project activities and results. Even if target groups may not necessarily receive funds and be directly involved in the project implementation, they may exploit project outcomes for their own benefit.


A tool is a means for achieving a specific task. Tools should be jointly developed at transnational level and prove an innovative character. Tools can be tangible (physical or technical objects) and intangible (methods, concepts or services). They consist amongst others of analytical tools, management tools, technical tools, software tools, monitoring tools, decision support tools etc.  To be effective, a tool must be tailored to end users’ needs and the respective framework conditions and has to be comprehensive and durable.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)