Danube SKILLS Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services

  • Danube SKILLS - Croatia Public consultation
    - 18-05-2017
    Croatia Public consultation

    CROATIA - Public workshop on the contents of the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation

  • Danube SKILLS - at EUSDR PA1a Steering Group and CESNI/QP meetings
    - 17-05-2017
    at EUSDR PA1a Steering Group and CESNI/QP meetings

    Danube SKILLS progress update reported to EUSDR PA1a Steering Group and CESNI/QP meetings Danube SKILLS was invited by Steering Group of EUSDR PA1a and CESNI/QP to present an update of progress activities during meetings held on 11 May in...

  • Danube SKILLS - CESNI/QP meeting in Budapest, Hungary
    - 15-05-2017
    CESNI/QP meeting in Budapest, Hungary

    Budapest, Hungary – Further constructive work on harmonized professional qualifications in inland navigation The Danube Commission hosted on 10 and 11 May in its headquarters in Budapest the meeting of the Working Group on Professional...

    - 11-05-2017

    National workshop in Serbia was held on May 8th, 2017 in Belgrade at the Zira Hotel and was organised by School for shipping, shipbuilding and hydrobuilding (SBBH). There were 50 key stakeholders present: representatives of the Ministry...

  • Danube SKILLS - Roundtable Workshop in Budapest
    - 24-04-2017
    Roundtable Workshop in Budapest

    Budapest, 20.04.2017 The public workshop on the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of IWT professional qualifications was organised in Budapest in close cooperation with the Danube Commission. In Benczur utca, Budapest the Danube...

  • Danube SKILLS - Bulgaria - Public consultation
    - 21-04-2017
    Bulgaria - Public consultation

    BULGARIA - Public workshop on the contents of the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation On April 19th 2017 Bulgaria held its national workshop attended by all major stakeholders...

  • Danube SKILLS - Amendment of the Combined Transport Directive
    - 11-04-2017
    Amendment of the Combined Transport Directive

    Consultation period (23/01/2017 - 23/04/2017) Until 23 April 2017 the European Commission is looking for receiving feedback to its consultation “Amendment of the Combined Transport Directive”. The existing Directive is 23 years old...

  • Danube SKILLS - Austria- Public consultation
    - 06-04-2017
    Austria- Public consultation

    AUSTRIA- Public workshop on the contents of the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation On April 3rd 2017 Austria held its national workshop attended by all major stakeholders of the...

  • Danube SKILLS - Galati- First Public Consultation
    - 03-04-2017
    Galati- First Public Consultation

    First Public Consultation on the contents of the new EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation Over 40 participants, including stakeholders from Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova attended...

  • Danube SKILLS - Symposium on 45 years of simulator use in education and training
    - 28-03-2017
    Symposium on 45 years of simulator use in education and training

    Representatives of the Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems attended the symposium organized by Schiffer-Berufskolleg RHEIN in Duisburg and celebrating 45 years of simulator use in education and training of inland...

  • Danube SKILLS - promoted in Serbia
    - 27-03-2017
    promoted in Serbia

    Danube skills - promoted in the Conference organised at the Assembly of Autonomous Province of Vovjodina, Serbia Tatjana Djokic and Irina Kivic participated in the Conference for National hearing of the Danube Strategy which was organised by...

  • Danube SKILLS - New synergetic action
    - 24-03-2017
    New synergetic action

    Ghiuler Manole and Doina Munteanu attended on 22 March the Partner Meeting of the project Competency Based Inland Waterway Transport Education & Training (IWTCOMP) implemented on Erasmus+ programme, Key Action Cooperation for innovation and the...

  • Danube SKILLS - Second capitalization action under Thematic Pole 7
    - 09-03-2017
    Second capitalization action under Thematic Pole 7

    A second capitalization action under Thematic Pole 7 took place yesterday/ 8 March in Budapest, Hungary, when Gergely Mezo introduced Danube SKILLS to participants attending  the kick off event of Danube STREAM. Participants were offered...

  • Danube SKILLS - First Partners Meeting
    - 28-02-2017
    First Partners Meeting

    The first Danube SKILLS Partners Meeting hosted by LP in Bucharest on 22 February checked and confirmed adequate set up of project teams at partner level, familiarization with DTP rules and preparedness of all partners for project...

  • Danube SKILLS - Kick off Event Bucharest, 21 February 2017
    - 22-02-2017
    Kick off Event Bucharest, 21 February 2017

      Kick off presentations:   ​Ovidiu Sorin Cupsa​ -  CERONAV General Manager -  Welcome speech Andreea Pena - Welcome speech by representative of the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and...

  • Danube SKILLS - Promoting the project in Strasbourg, France
    - 06-02-2017
    Promoting the project in Strasbourg, France

    CERONAV had the privilege of introducing Danube SKILLS to members of CESNI -European Committee for drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation during their meeting on Febr. 2nd 2017 in Strasbourg. The audience, including members of...

  • Danube SKILLS - Sharing of project management best practices
    - 01-02-2017
    Sharing of project management best practices

    Sharing of project management best practices and interacting on synergies at DTP Joint Secretariat seminar for lead partners on Jan. 25th Answering the invitation received from the Joint Secretariat, CERONAV offered fellow Lead Partners an...

    - 18-01-2017

    Danube SKILLS consortium is pleased to announce the official launch of the project on February 21st 2017, at Capital Plaza Hotel, in Bucharest. The project, led by CERONAV- Romanian Maritime Training Centre and  gathering a total of 22...

  • Danube SKILLS - Successful start of the Project on 1st January 2017
    - 13-01-2017
    Successful start of the Project on 1st January 2017

    Danube SKILLS attempts to optimize governance mechanisms for international cooperation in EU Member States & beyond (Serbia) and also promote excellence in public administration through informal cooperation and sharing experiences & joint...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)