Danube SKILLS - Amendment of the Combined Transport Directive


Consultation period (23/01/2017 - 23/04/2017)

Until 23 April 2017 the European Commission is looking for receiving feedback to its consultation “Amendment of the Combined Transport Directive”.

The existing Directive is 23 years old and its effectiveness and efficiency could be improved. The industry has reported problems in several Member States as the transposition and implementation of the Directive is not homogenous. As the Directive addresses specifically cross-border transport between Member States, the smoothness of which depends on minimum differences between the legal systems, as pointed out the respondents to the previous public consultation, it is currently not delivering its full potential for added value in EU.

All citizens and organizations interested in Combined Transport, and therefore to reduce the negative side-effects of goods transport on environment (such as CO2 and other emissions) and on society (such as, congestion, accidents, noise etc.) (also called negative externalities) by supporting the shift from long distance road transport to long distance rail, inland waterways and maritime transport as the latter cause less negative externalities, are welcome to contribute to this consultation under: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/urban/consultations/2017-CTD_en


 Danube SKILLS Facebook page

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)