Danube SKILLS Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services

  • Danube SKILLS - Training session in Croatia
    - 02-11-2018
    Training session in Croatia

    First training session Safety practices for emergency situations during ship operation- Operational level organized in Croatia Contact Danube SKILLS:  Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223 Email:...

    - 30-10-2018

    AUSTRIA- Stakeholder-meeting on the implementation of the EU-Directive 2017/2397 in the apprenticeship in the area of inland navigation and shipping Contact Danube SKILLS:  Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -Project Manager Phone: +40 241...

  • Danube SKILLS - TransLogistica EXPO, Bucharest, Romania
    - 09-10-2018
    TransLogistica EXPO, Bucharest, Romania

    CERONAV representatives of Danube SKILLS project attended the 4th edition of TransLogistica EXPO, the largest exhibition on Transport, Logistics, IT and Supply Chain in the South East Europe, organized in Bucharest between 26 to 28 September...

  • Danube SKILLS - Train the trainer session, Bratislava, Slovakia
    - 24-09-2018
    Train the trainer session, Bratislava, Slovakia

    On 20 September 2018 CERONAV organized in Bratislava, Slovakia, the Train the trainer session on Human Resource Management and Social Responsibility on board, the transnational innovative model jointly developed by project partners based on the...

  • Danube SKILLS - 3rd Newsletter is online!
    - 26-06-2018
    3rd Newsletter is online!

    Danube SKILLS 3rd Newsletter in online! Eighteen months into project implementation we are happy to share with you some of our results in reaching project ambitious objectives for the Danube region: integration of Danube navigation into...

  • Danube SKILLS - progress update reported to EUSDR PAC1 14th Meeting of Steering Group
    - 13-06-2018
    progress update reported to EUSDR PAC1 14th Meeting of Steering Group

    Danube SKILLS was invited by the Steering Group of EUSDR PAC1a to present an update on strategy for the implementation of the Directive 2017/2397 during its 14th meeting on 12 June 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. Contact Danube SKILLS: ...

  • Danube SKILLS - progress reported to CESNI/QP members
    - 29-05-2018
    progress reported to CESNI/QP members

    Danube SKILLS delegates, Ghiuler Manole and Doina Munteanu of CERONAV, had the privilege to report on ongoing project activities to members of CESNI/QP/COM and CESNI/QP gathered on 23 and 24 May in Strasbourg, France. Contact person...

  • Danube SKILLS - Setting up joint cooperation with EDINNA
    - 18-05-2018
    Setting up joint cooperation with EDINNA

    The agenda of EDINNA’s 12th General Assembly held on 15-16 May in Harlingen, NL focused primarily on the recently published European Directive 2017/2397 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and steps to be taken...

  • Danube SKILLS - and Green Danube synergetic project promotion activities
    - 15-05-2018
    and Green Danube synergetic project promotion activities

    Croatian Partners FPZ and CRUP jointly promoted synergetic projects Danube SKILLS and Green Danube at two events. For more details please follow...

  • Danube SKILLS - promoted in Belgrade
    - 24-04-2018
    promoted in Belgrade

    The school for shipping, shipbuilding and hydrobuilding has been taking part in Education and Job Fairs. Contact person Danube SKILLS:  Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223 Email:...

  • Danube SKILLS - brings news on approval of standards in the field of professional qualifications
    - 23-04-2018
    brings news on approval of standards in the field of professional qualifications

    News of utmost interest for further development of Danube SKILLS tools and strategies supporting implementation of EU Directive 2017/2397 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation came from Strasbourg. Please...

  • Danube SKILLS - brings news from Wroclaw, Poland
    - 20-04-2018
    brings news from Wroclaw, Poland

    Danube SKILLS members, Ghiuler Manole and Doina Munteanu, attended the International Ministerial Conference Connecting by Inland Navigation jointly organized on 18-19 April in Wroclaw, Poland by the Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland...

  • Danube SKILLS - promotes transport development on the Danube
    - 28-03-2018
    promotes transport development on the Danube

    In the framework of the EU-funded project, Danube SKILLS, experts for transport development from viadonau visited Constanta in Romania at the end of February, where the first training session for the preparation of the new “Danube logistics...

  • Danube SKILLS - update on train the trainer session
    - 21-03-2018
    update on train the trainer session

    News on the train the trainer session of the first model course “Safety practices for emergency situations during ship operation” attended by all Danube SKILLS partners raised a high interest among project stakeholders and not...

  • Danube SKILLS - Successful train the trainer session
    - 22-02-2018
    Successful train the trainer session

    The train the trainer session of Danube SKILLS first model Course Safety Practices for Emergency Situations during Ship Operation completed yesterday in Constanta exceeded the highest expectation of both host, CERONAV and trainees - experienced...

  • Danube SKILLS - in Strasbourg, France
    - 03-02-2018
    in Strasbourg, France

    Danube SKILLS attended yesterday  February 1st two  important events hosted by CCNR  in Strasbourg related to standardisation in inland navigation: Contact person: Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ - Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/...

  • Danube SKILLS - EU Platform for Change launched at EESC
    - 09-01-2018
    EU Platform for Change launched at EESC

    EESC President Georges Dassis and European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc, joined by Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Kadri Simson and Chair of the European Parliament's Transport Committee Karima Delli,...

  • Danube SKILLS - The EU Directive 2017/2397 has been published in the Official Journal of the EU
    - 05-01-2018
    The EU Directive 2017/2397 has been published in the Official Journal of the EU

    The  Directive 2017/2397 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and repealing Council Directives 91/672/EEC and 96/50/EC has been published in the...

  • Danube SKILLS - Latest news on the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications
    - 18-12-2017
    Latest news on the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications

    Latest news on the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation The proposal of the European Commission for a new EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and...

  • Danube SKILLS - Danube SKILLS One-Stop-Shops
    - 18-12-2017
    Danube SKILLS One-Stop-Shops

    The quality of public information services focusing on the Danube logistics sector varies widely between all ten riparian countries: therefore the main goal of Danube SKILLS is to create a uniform service level regarding the supply of data and...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)