Danube SKILLS Increased institutional capacity in Danube navigation by boosting joint transnational competences and skills in education and public development services

  • Danube SKILLS - is innovative!
    - 07-12-2017
    is innovative!

    Danube SKILLS participated at the conference „transnATional vernETZt: INNOVATION“, organised by ÖROK (Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning) and BKA (Federal Chancellery of Austria) on 30 November 2017 in Vienna. It allowed Austrian Danube...

  • Danube SKILLS - active in Brussels, Belgium
    - 30-11-2017
    active in Brussels, Belgium

    At the invitation of EUSDR PA1a Co-ordinators, via donau/Austria and the Romanian Ministry of Transport, Danube SKILLS delegates, Doina Munteanu and Ghiuler Manole attended yesterday/29 November 2017 the 12th Meeting of the PA1a Working Group and...

  • Danube SKILLS - Seminar on “New Law on concession and its Application to Concessions in Ports”
    - 27-11-2017
    Seminar on “New Law on concession and its Application to Concessions in Ports”

    CRUP organized on 20 November 2017 the seminar “New Law on concession and it application to Concessions in Ports”. Contact person: Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ - Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223 Email:...

  • Danube SKILLS - CRUP team has participated on RIS week
    - 27-11-2017
    CRUP team has participated on RIS week

    CRUP team has participated on RIS week which was held from 20 to 24 November 2017 in Bratislava, Slovakia.   Contact person: Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ - Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223 Email:...

  • Danube SKILLS - EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation
    - 17-11-2017
    EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation

    Danube SKILLS delegates, Ghiuler Manole and Doina Munteanu attended on 15 and 16 November the meetings organized by the European Committee on drawing up standards in the field of inland navigation in Strasbourg, France. For more...

    - 21-10-2017

    Croatian partners FPZ and CRUP jointly promoted Danube SKILLS during the Open days-Faculy Day celebration, held on 9th, 10th and 17th October 2017 at Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences. Contact person: Mrs. Ghiuler Manole​ -...

  • Danube SKILLS - members attended the DTP Capitalisation Workshop on Thematic Pole 7
    - 19-10-2017
    members attended the DTP Capitalisation Workshop on Thematic Pole 7

    Participants to the DTP Capitalisation Workshop Thematic Pole 7 Waterways, organized earlier today during the 6th EUSDR Forum in Budapest, Hungary, discussed if current pool of ongoing projects was sufficient to achieve the PA1a and TP7 targets...

  • Danube SKILLS - sharing opinions on DTP role in transnational co-operation in the Danube region
    - 19-10-2017
    sharing opinions on DTP role in transnational co-operation in the Danube region

    During the plenary session “Present and Future of the Danube Transnational Programme” organized earlier today during the 6th EUSDR Forum in Budapest, Ghiuler Manole, Project Manager of Danube SKILLS shared with participants and the audience her...

  • Danube SKILLS - Best DTP website
    - 18-10-2017
    Best DTP website

    Alina Mantu, Danube SKILLS Communication Manager received earlier today the certificate for best DTP website from Alexandra Pala, Head of Joint Secretariat and Eloy Gómez Girón, JS Communication officer in a ceremony organized during the EUSDR...

  • Danube SKILLS - Service and know-how
    - 18-10-2017
    Service and know-how

    Service and know-how – Danube SKILLS as an economic asset for the Danube region As part of the Danube SKILLS project, so-called one-stop shops are set up to serve as public information points providing free available services for (potential)...

  • Danube SKILLS - 4th Danube Participation Day
    - 17-10-2017
    4th Danube Participation Day

    Ghiuler Manole, Project manager of Danube Skills  and Alina Mantu, Communication manager of the project, attended earlier today the 4th Danube Participation Day in the EU Danube Strategy, event organized by Priority Area 10 of the EU Strategy for...

  • Danube SKILLS - partners face new challenges
    - 15-09-2017
    partners face new challenges

    Reunited in Vienna, Austria, on 12 and 13 September for project's third meeting, Danube SKILLS partners exchanged impressions on their recent summer holidays and celebrated latest project double award: best DTP project website and EUSDR strategic...

  • Danube SKILLS - Active cooperation with European structures in Brussels
    - 10-09-2017
    Active cooperation with European structures in Brussels

    Doina Munteanu, Senior Expert in Danube SKILLS and Head of CERONAV Unit in Galatz attended on 6 and 7 September the CESNI/QP COMP- Temporary Working Group on Professional Competences, CESNI/QP- Working Group on Professional Qualifications and the...

  • Danube SKILLS - Dissemination and debates- Galati, RO
    - 01-09-2017
    Dissemination and debates- Galati, RO

    On August 31st 2017, CERONAV Galati Unit organised on board of InfoDanube ( Information and Training Centre), a session dedicated to dissemination and debates on the latest version of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on...

  • Danube SKILLS - Working Group for River Shipping Belgrade
    - 31-08-2017
    Working Group for River Shipping Belgrade

      In Belgrade, on August 29, 2017, the first meeting of the Working Group for River Shipping was held, under the auspices of the German-Serbian development cooperation project Youth Employment Promotion (YEP) implemented by the...

  • Danube SKILLS - EUSDR Strategic Project!
    - 30-08-2017
    EUSDR Strategic Project!

    On 13 June 2017, the EU Strategy for Danube Region National Coordinators have conferred the “EUSDR Strategic Project” status to nine projects and Danube SKILLS is one of them. Please follow link below for more...

  • Danube SKILLS - the Best DTP Project Website
    - 01-08-2017
    the Best DTP Project Website

    We are very proud to announce that the hard work and dedication of Danube SKILLS great team and brilliant Communication Manager of Lead Partner, CERONAV, have been rewarded by the Danube Transnational Programme with the first position in the Best...

  • Danube SKILLS - promoted at ZIRP 2017 Conference- Opatija
    - 20-06-2017
    promoted at  ZIRP 2017 Conference-  Opatija

    Organized by project partner Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ) the International Conference on Traffic Development, Logistics & Sustainable Transport Science and Traffic Development - ZIRP 2017 was held in Grand Hotel 4 opatijska...

  • Danube SKILLS - Danube SKILLS – Second Partners Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia
    - 10-06-2017
    Danube SKILLS – Second Partners Meeting in Zagreb, Croatia

    The beautiful capital of Croatia, Zagreb, hosted on 6 and 7 June the second Danube SKILLS Partners’ Meeting. Contact: Ghiuler Manole Project Manager Phone: +40 241 639595/ 2223 Email: ghiulermanole@ceronav.ro Mobile: +40 752 118...

  • Danube SKILLS - Public consultations on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation
    - 30-05-2017
    Public consultations on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation

    Danube SKILLS project partners have recently completed the public consultations organized in all consortium countries and intended to raise awareness on the European Commission proposal for a new European Directive on recognition of professional...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)