Danube SKILLS - Sharing of project management best practices


Sharing of project management best practices and interacting on synergies at DTP Joint Secretariat seminar for lead partners on Jan. 25th

Answering the invitation received from the Joint Secretariat, CERONAV offered fellow Lead Partners an insight into its project management practices and procedures set up during implementation of two former SEE projects.

The presentation raised the interest of the audience and requests received from several lead partners for submission of the project management monitoring tools presented were all promptly met the following days.

First steps towards capitalisation under DTP Thematic Pole 7 have been also made by including presentations of Green Danube and Danube Stream projects in the agenda of Danube SKILLS kick off event in Bucharest on Febr. 21st.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)