Danube SKILLS - Austria- Public consultation


AUSTRIA- Public workshop on the contents of the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation

On April 3rd 2017 Austria held its national workshop attended by all major stakeholders of the national education sector: nautical training school „Berufsschule MFE“, two inland passenger vessel companies involved in nautical education, Federal Ministry for Transport Innovation and Technology, Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Labour as well as the Trade Union of Transport & Services.

Project partners FHOO and viadonau introduced the audience to the Danube SKILLS project and the  proposal for the EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications. The contents generated animated discussions on possible effects, as well as challenges and opportunities, for Austria in general and the national nautical education sector in particular.

Response received from participants was highly encouraging for the high interest of both decision makers and stakeholders in jobs & qualifications in the inland navigation and Danube SKILLS’s  contribution to the future development of this sector.




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)