Danube SKILLS - Galati- First Public Consultation


First Public Consultation on the contents of the new EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation

Over 40 participants, including stakeholders from Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova attended the workshop organized on 30 March in Galati, Romania.

The first public consultation disseminating the contents of the new EU Directive on recognition of professional qualifications in inland navigation and taking stock of legislative framework governing the education, training and certification system in the above three countries was a total success and defined the working methodology for the remaining events planned in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia until end of May this year. Response received from participants highlighted their interest in the new EU Directive and their high expectations on its positive impact on safety of navigation, mobility and quality of workforce, efficiency of Danube navigation and ultimate prosperity of the region.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)