DAPhNE Danube Ports Network

Project Deliverables

Here you can find some of the most important deliverables of the DAPhNE project, sorted by topic.
Further documents (project outputs) can be found in the Library.

Port Legislation & Funding (WP3)

Improve & harmonize port legislation:

State-aid schemes for funding investments in ports:

Administration & Management (WP4)

Improve and harmonize port administration processes:

Improving port business strategies:

Human resources development:

Eco-improvements for Danube Ports:

Port Development (WP5)

Port infrastructure & industrial development:

Public-private partnerships for port investments:

Port Community IT systems:

Innovation and new market opportunities:

Port Strategy & Network (WP6)

Danube Port Development Strategy & Action Plan:

Set-up & Enlarge the Danube Port Network:

Pilot operation of Danube Port Network Organisation:


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)