CD SKILLS Improving celiac disease management in the Danube region by raising the awareness, improving the knowledge, and developing better skills

  • CD SKILLS - When the diet is the only medicine
    - 28-05-2021
    When the diet is the only medicine

    Večer, a Slovenian regional newspaper, reported about CD SKILLS project. Celiac disease patients mark the International celiac disease day in May. The main focus of the article was to present the pilot activity which is being developed and...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture to improve knowledge of medical student
    - 25-05-2021
    Lecture to improve knowledge of medical student

    Pediatric gastroenterologist Alina Popp from PP08 INSMC presented a lecture about Celiac Disease for medical students organized by Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMFCD). The event was organized online, via ZOOM, on March 25th...

  • CD SKILLS - Improving knowledge of health care professionals in the Children’s Hospital Zagreb
    - 23-05-2021
    Improving knowledge of health care professionals in the Children’s Hospital Zagreb

    A pediatric gastroenterologist Zrinjka Mišak from Children's hospital Zagreb presented a lecture about celiac disease and importance of strict gluten-free diet for nurses working in Children's Hospital Zagreb. The main aim was to raise awareness...

  • CD SKILLS - International celiac disease day message “Be socially responsible and a part of inclusive society. Don’t forget about us!”
    - 22-05-2021
    International celiac disease day message “Be socially responsible and a part of inclusive society. Don’t forget about us!”

    CELIAC DISEASE PATIENTS RAISE AWARENESS ABOUT THE DISEASE AND THE DIFFICULTIES THEY ARE FACING   Partners of the CD SKILLS project are developing a new integrated educational model for everyone involved in gluten-free diet May 16th is...

  • CD SKILLS - Slovene patients with celiac disease presenting their wishes to mark International Celiac Disease Day
    - 19-05-2021
    Slovene patients with celiac disease presenting their wishes to mark International Celiac Disease Day

    On the occasion of the International Celiac Disease Day, Slovenian patients with celiac disease drew attention to their daily problems and expressed their wishes. The only treatment of coeliac disease is a strict and lifelong gluten-free diet....

  • CD SKILLS - Bilding on Focus IN CD results published in April issue of JPGN
    - 18-05-2021
    Bilding on Focus IN CD results published in April issue of JPGN

    Cover page of the April 2021 issue of JPGN, most important journal in the field of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition features a figure describing differences of clinical presentation of celiac disease in Central...

  • CD SKILLS - News in chronic digestive pathology in children 2021
    - 12-05-2021
    News in chronic digestive pathology in children 2021

    Lecture with the title: "News in chronic digestive pathology in children 2021", was held by Tatiana Raba at the National Conference with international participation, where the CD SKILLS project and the current situation of the diagnostic...

  • CD SKILLS - Tatiana Raba from Moldova appeared in the TV show
    - 12-05-2021
    Tatiana Raba from Moldova appeared in the TV show

    CD SKILLS Moldavian project partner manager Tatiana Raba, dr. hab. șt. med., conf. univ., from “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Kishinau, was a guest at the TV show and presented an...

  • CD SKILLS - Results of the survey on using telemedicine options for celiac disease regular check-ups in gastroenterologist office
    - 09-04-2021
    Results of the survey on using telemedicine options for celiac disease regular check-ups in gastroenterologist office

    Due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 many patients, including patients with celiac disease, faced difficulties in accessing health care professionals. Children’s Hospital Zagreb in cooperation with CeliVita – Living with celiac disease conducted...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture at the Zagreb Health School
    - 18-03-2021
    Lecture at the Zagreb Health School

    Learning interactions with future healthcare professionals are one of the ways we can ensure better healthcare for CD patients in the future. This time CeliVita spent a very pleasant hour in The Zagreb Health School, with 4th grade students,...

  • CD SKILLS - Petra Rižnik successfully defended her doctoral thesis
    - 15-03-2021
    Petra Rižnik successfully defended her doctoral thesis

    On March 5th, 2021 Petra Rižnik, MD, from University Medical Centre Maribor has successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at the University of Maribor. In her work she was focusing on celiac disease management practices in five...

  • CD SKILLS - Ivana has been on a gluten-free diet for 15 years (Serbia)
    - 14-03-2021
    Ivana has been on a gluten-free diet for 15 years (Serbia)

    Ivana is 16 years old today. She has been on a gluten-free diet for 15 years, well, we can say since she remembers. It all started when she was a baby. It was winter, not so cold. She got the flu, but her recovery was very slow, unlike other...

  • CD SKILLS - Questionnaire for patients with celiac disease on using telemedicine options for regular check-ups in gastroenterologist office
    - 10-03-2021
    Questionnaire for patients with celiac disease on using telemedicine options for regular check-ups in gastroenterologist office

    Due to COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 many patients, including patients with celiac disease, faced difficulties in accessing health care professionals. Children’s Hospital Zagreb in cooperation with CeliVita – Living with celiac disease developed...

  • CD SKILLS - The CD SKILLS project presented at A Master degree program at the Medical University of Varna
    - 04-03-2021
    The CD SKILLS project presented at A Master degree program at the Medical University of Varna

    A Master degree program for Nurses, Inspectors of Public health and other bachelors and masters in Health management and Public health is organized at the Medical University of Varna. The regular lectures and practice lessons consist of topics...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture at the high school for nurses „Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska“
    - 03-03-2021
    Lecture at the high school for nurses „Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska“

    School for nurses „Mlinarska“ is the first vocational school for the training of nurses in northern Croatia. It was founded 100 years ago with the aim to become a participant in the development of preventive and social medicine at the beginning...

  • CD SKILLS - Today, Mihajlo and his mother are experts in keeping a gluten-free diet - a patient story from Serbia
    - 27-02-2021
    Today, Mihajlo and his mother are experts in keeping a gluten-free diet - a patient story from Serbia

    Mihajlo was first diagnosed with celiac disease when he was five years old. After about twenty days of diarrhea, he was referred to a gastroenterologist. Based on his symptoms, the doctor immediately suspected celiac disease and ordered a test...

  • CD SKILLS - Risk management in everyday coeliac patient’s life presented at Project Management Institute Croatia meeting
    - 23-02-2021
    Risk management in everyday coeliac patient’s life presented at Project Management Institute Croatia meeting

    CeliVita, one of the CD SKILLS project partners, gave a lecture at a monthly gathering of professional project managers, organized online by Project Management Institute Croatia.  We talked about coeliac disease with aim to raise awareness...

  • CD SKILLS - Project to close the knowledge gap between stakeholders and to improve patient support
    - 20-02-2021
    Project to close the knowledge gap between stakeholders and to improve patient support

    It is estimated that 80% of people having CD are un/misdiagnosed. Diagnostic delay remains 6-10 years. Undiagnosed/untreated CD leads to a number of severe (potentially preventable) complications: infertility, osteoporosis, neurological...

  • CD SKILLS - More than 300 participants attended “Celiac disease – management perspectives in 2021” and “2nd Steering Committee Meeting” meeting organised by CD SKILLS consortium
    - 16-02-2021
    More than 300 participants attended “Celiac disease – management perspectives in 2021” and “2nd Steering Committee Meeting” meeting organised by CD SKILLS consortium

    Members of the CD SKILLS consortium organised a second Steering Committee Meeting on February 15th. Work package leaders together with individual partners presented project achievements of the first period, and plans for the second period. Final...

  • CD SKILLS - 2nd Steering Committee Meeting and event: Celiac disease - management perspectives in 2021
    - 09-02-2021
    2nd Steering Committee Meeting and event: Celiac disease - management perspectives in 2021

    2nd Steering Committee Meeting and event: Celiac disease management in 2021 focusing on HCPs on day 2 will be held on February 15th and February 16th. In the name of the CD SKILLS consortium, we are kindly inviting all partners to attend the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)