CD SKILLS - Lecture at the high school for nurses „Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska“


School for nurses „Mlinarska“ is the first vocational school for the training of nurses in northern Croatia. It was founded 100 years ago with the aim to become a participant in the development of preventive and social medicine at the beginning of the 20th century in Croatia.

Since 2010, the school has been reformed in a way approved by the European Union, and five-year schooling has been introduced, in the form of training in general subjects in the first and second grades, and professional training in the third, fourth and fifth grades.

Lecture „Coeliac disease-medicine chameleon “, for 4th grade students, was held online by project partners Children's hospital Zagreb (CHZ) and Celivita. Lecture was organized with aim to raise awareness about celiac disease among future HCPs-nurses and medical technicians. CHZ gave interesting and very informative lecture about CD, diagnostics and treatment while CeliVita presented the challenges of living with CD and roles of main stakeholders (healthcare professionals, patients organizations and other individuals and institutions) in comprehensive healthcare for CD patients. Partners also presented CD SKILLS project.

Thank you Škola za medicinske sestre Mlinarska for being so interested for this topic and open minded, we are sure your patients will be in good hands one day!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)