CD SKILLS Improving celiac disease management in the Danube region by raising the awareness, improving the knowledge, and developing better skills

  • CD SKILLS - A platform designed to share celiac disease management practices among health care professionals was launched
    - 10-10-2021
    A platform designed to share celiac disease management practices among health care professionals was launched

    Platform was developed within the CD SKILLS project to share the problems concerning celiac disease with the members of the network who will provide counselling, guidance and exchange of experience. You are kindly invited to provide data of...

  • CD SKILLS - 4th Maribor healthcare days
    - 08-10-2021
    4th Maribor healthcare days

    Medical association Maribor, Association of nurses, midwives and health technicians Maribor and Healthcare center dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor organized the 4th Maribor Healthcare days and a fair of medical equipment. This year topic is »Health -...

  • CD SKILLS - Workshop from the histopathologist to clinician
    - 07-10-2021
    Workshop from the histopathologist to clinician

    The Workshop from the histopathologist to clinician was recently organised within CD SKILLS - Pilot project ICT supported histopathology analysis of biopsy samples. The objective of the workshop was to share knowledge, exchange regional...

  • CD SKILLS - Pilot activity published in Slovenian celiac Disease Society journal
    - 03-10-2021
    Pilot activity published in Slovenian celiac Disease Society journal

    We are developing an educative pilot event/model to improve knowledge of caterers together with Croatian, Serbian and Romanian partners. We will create a virtual unique event with lectures, workshops, e-tool and much more. The event will take...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture at Austrian Celiac Disease Patients Society Congress “Jahrestagung 2021”
    - 22-09-2021
    Lecture at Austrian Celiac Disease Patients Society Congress “Jahrestagung 2021”

    This year's Austrian celiac disease society annual event was organized on 4th September 2021 as a hybrid event, consisted only (due to pandemic situation) of lectures which were livestreamed. It was also possible to participate live at the...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture about Celiac Disease and project promotion at the Celiacs’ Association of the Czech Republic annual meeting
    - 15-09-2021
    Lecture about Celiac Disease and project promotion at the Celiacs’ Association of the Czech Republic annual meeting

    The General University Hospital in Prague cooperates with the Celiacs’ Association of the Czech Republic - a patient organization helping and assisting people diagnosed with celiac disease. One of the activities of this organization is an annual...

    - 14-09-2021

    Slovenian Celiac Disease Society organized Celiac disease adult patients rehabilitation in Zreče. Almost 70 patients participated at the rehabilitation, which was held from 29th August 2021 to 4th September 2021. During the whole week patients...

  • CD SKILLS - Step by step to a gluten-free meal
    - 31-08-2021
    Step by step to a gluten-free meal

    We are proud to announce that a new publication “Step by step to a gluten free meal” was published in the frame of CD SKILLS pilot project activity in cooperation of Slovenian celiac disease society and Municipality of Maribor. The main...

  • CD SKILLS - Lecture about celiac disease for young doctors
    - 30-08-2021
    Lecture about celiac disease for young doctors

    Our partner Mario Mašić from Children hospital Zagreb held a lecture about celiac disease at the meeting organized by Croatian Society of Young Doctors on 23rd June 2021. Basic information about celiac disease, epidemiological data, etiology and...

  • CD SKILLS - Two celiac disease project publications for patiens and health care professionals published in Prague
    - 23-08-2021
    Two celiac disease project publications for patiens and health care professionals published in Prague

    Our Czech partner General University hospital in Prague has published two important project publications in Czech language in July, the first one "Provudce životem s celiakii" to improve the knowledge and raise awareness and of celiac disease...

  • CD SKILLS - Coeliac disease and COVID-19
    - 01-08-2021
    Coeliac disease and COVID-19

    Recently, a new type of coronavirus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic was discovered. This virus is called SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus 2). Despite many fears that SARS-CoV-2 can cause a more severe infection in...

  • CD SKILLS - How to take change of your life and live gluten free?
    - 28-07-2021
    How to take change of your life and live gluten free?

    In the frame of CD SKILLS project this video will be translated and designed in Croatian languge to help celiac disease patients from Croatia to set up a safe gluten free kitchen.

  • CD SKILLS - Welcome our new partner Ludwig Maximillian’s University
    - 26-07-2021
    Welcome our new partner Ludwig Maximillian’s University

    Interactive online courses on celiac disease have previously been established in five different languages: in English, Italian, Hungarian, Slovenian and Croatian and are available at We unfortunately have lost a partner...

    - 29-06-2021

    CD SKILLS 1st Newsletter was published at the end of the second implementation period. News concerning the activities of the project were sent to our webside subscribers and will also be sent to those, who has shown the interest when filling in...

  • CD SKILLS - A challenging diagnosis journey (Story form Romania)
    - 26-06-2021
    A challenging diagnosis journey (Story form Romania)

    My name is F. M. Ioana, I am a medical doctor, and also a celiac person. I was born in 1972 in the city of Oradea, and my childhood was marked by many respiratory tract infections, initially as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and then, after the...

  • CD SKILLS - Boo? No, just Bu. Why do we have a monster as our mascot, you might ask?
    - 23-06-2021
    Boo? No, just Bu. Why do we have a monster as our mascot, you might ask?

    Boo? No, just Bu. Why do we have a monster as our mascot, you might ask? Let's be honest. Although Bu poses as a monster, he's far from being one! He might try to make himself tall by raising his arms, he might make his big eyes wider, he...

  • CD SKILLS - Hand in hand with celiac disease
    - 21-06-2021
    Hand in hand with celiac disease

    We are pleased to inform you that our project has just published the second publication. “Hand in hand with celiac disease” which is devoted to health care professionals to improve the knowledge and celiac disease management and to offer patients...

  • CD SKILLS - Assessing current state of the art in Celiac disease management
    - 15-06-2021
    Assessing current state of the art in Celiac disease management

    At the last meeting of ESPGHAN (European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Coeliac Disease Special Interest Group (CD SIG) organised last week (June 2021), it was decided that a tool...

  • CD SKILLS - A guide to living with celiac disease
    - 10-06-2021
    A guide to living with celiac disease

    We are happy to inform you that we published our first project publication "A guide to living with celiac disease" in English. Please find it in the section Project publications or...

  • CD SKILLS - CeliVita’s Celiac Disease Awareness Month activities
    - 29-05-2021
    CeliVita’s Celiac Disease Awareness Month activities

    During Celiac Disease Awareness Month, CeliVita put its effort into raising the awareness about the importance of proper food labeling and food information dissemination. As a part of D.T4.3.1 Development and implementation of gluten-free...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)