CD SKILLS - Lecture at Austrian Celiac Disease Patients Society Congress “Jahrestagung 2021”


This year's Austrian celiac disease society annual event was organized on 4th September 2021 as a hybrid event, consisted only (due to pandemic situation) of lectures which were livestreamed. It was also possible to participate live at the Messecongress Graz Stadthalle. The programme can be found here

Our partner Almuthe Christina Hauer, Assoc. Professor of Pediatrics and certified Pediatric Gastroenterologist from Medical University Graz gave a presentation about celiac disease in pediatric and adolescent medicine „Neue ESPGHAN Kriterien - wann muss trotzdem noch boisiert warden?“ about signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment regarding celiac disease and new ESPGHAN criteria.

Presentation is published as a video link for all celiac disease patient society members.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)