GRENDEL - 2nd Know-How Transfer Event on Modernisation of Danube Vessels Fleet successfully organised


Following the success story of the previous edition organised in March 2019, this year's Know-How Transfer Event for the Modernisation of the Danube Fleet brought together representatives of the European Commission, international organisations, IWT stakeholders, as well as innovation experts and suppliers to debate on available technologies which have the potential to pave the way towards climate neutrality by 2050, as foreseen by the European Green Deal.  

Innovative technologies that address the challenges set by the NRMM Regulation were among the highlights of the event. With energy efficiency and carbon neutrality having a prominent role on the European policy agenda, adapting the outdated Danube fleet to the needs and requirements of a future oriented transport system is an endeavor that must go beyond borders.

Besides technologies, insight into digitalisation aspects leading to paperless sailing and increasing efficiency of transport processes as well outlook to expected funding and financing and to the elaborated GRENDEL Model State Aid Scheme were provided.

The online event, organised by GRENDEL in cooperation with INDanube and hosted by the Danube Commission, gathered over 70 participants and resulted in fruitful discussions and information exchanges between technology providers and IWT stakeholders.


The agenda is available for download here and the presentations of the event are available for download below.


Setting the scene

·      CCNR activities related to the energy transition (Laure Roux, CCNR)

Low emission propulsion solutions

·      EU Stage V Update from the Manufacturer, Formerly known as the Dealer (Peter Snijders, Koedood)

·      Marinized Euro VI DAF Paccar engines for IWW Stage V (Peter van der Heijden, NPS Diesel)

·      Stage V Marine Developments (Jan-Willem Vissers, Volvo Penta Europe) - additional Stage V marine newsletter available

·      Scania propulsion and auxiliary solutions for inland waterway vessels: Marinisation of industrial engine range (NRE category engine) including EU Stage V approval according BAnz AT 20.12.2018Bz (IWA/IWP-solution) (Detlef Plachta, ScanDiesel) - additional flyer available

Powertrain technology outlook & transition pathway towards (near)zero emissions

·      Future Powertrain Technology Options for Inland Waterway Transport (Thomas Kammerdiener, AVL List GmbH)

Clean carbon neutral (alternative) fuels

·      Overview of alternative energy carriers for inland navigation (Friederike Dahlke-Wallat, DST)

·      Alternative fuels – best practices and possible outlook (Sebastian Dörr, Lubtrading)

Increasing resilience and energy efficiency

·      (Hydrodynamic) solutions to increase resilience & energy efficiency (Benjamin Friedhoff, DST)

Digitalisation of transport processes in inland waterway transport

·      Automation of Inland Navigation to Increase Safety and Energy Efficiency (Alexander Lutz, Argonics GmbH)

·      NOVIMAR – The vessel train concept (Erwin van der Linden, EICB)

·      River Information Services Corridor Approach – RIS COMEX and intended systems (Mario Kaufmann, via donau)

·      Introduction of new services for vessel management - VEMASYS (Tony Ameryckx, Bluecentury) - additional general information available

Funding and financing for modernisation of inland vessels

·      Funding and financing of modernisation of inland vessels - outlook (Markus Eppich, Pro Danube Management)

·      State Aid model for Modernisation of Danube fleet (Charlotte Siot, Pro Danube International)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)