DanubeChance2.0 Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region

Business Breakfast


The main aim of this breakfast is to bring together potential stakeholders of second-chance entrepreneurship and to provide a better understanding of good and bad practices, policy niches and available toolsets for improving regional policy instruments on second entrepreneurship. 

That is the reason why each partner should have to organize one in each semester.  

We would like to share, our results related to the last Business Breakfasts. 

Here you can find some information about the BusinessBreakfast from each partner.

Click here to see some photos of the Business Breakfasts.


Business Breakfast organized by CCIS


Business Breakfast organized by IFKA


Business Breakfast organized by ODIMM



Business Breakfast organized by PBN



Business Breakfast organized by PTP



Business Breakfast organized by RARS



Business Breakfast organized by S2i



Business Breakfast organized by UKS



Business Breakfast organized by UTC-N



Business Breakfast organized by ZSI


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)