DanubeChance2.0 Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region

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Interview with Peter Andrišin, CEO of Dozen, Ltd.

Peter Andrišin, CEO of Dozen, Ltd., provides services as External Finance Director for SMEs. The organization review processes to standardize and optimize them in order to facilitate growth and optimize cost.
Dozen, Ltd. helps to discover weak points and eliminate them using relevant KPI’s and Score Cards. “We drive growth through agile organization. We train people to do it by themselves,” said Peter Andrišin. Check out interesting interview devoted to the provision of support to entrepreneurs in Slovakia.


Interviews with Mr. Zoran Savić, Assistant Minister
in the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska.

Is there an adequate legal framework in the Republic of Srpska to support entrepreneurs in crisis, what the
Government has done for "second chance" entrepreneurs and what is the most effective way to 
help entrepreneurs in crisis are some of the issues we discussed with Mr. Zoran Savić, Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska.


Interview with Bert Overlack
from Team U

Bert Overlack acts as an expert for DanubeChance2.0 on entrepreneurship in crisis, turnaround and re-start. Along his career path as an entrepreneur, Overlack gathered experience in both, success and failure. He started his career, leading a family veneer production company until the global financial crisis in 2008 forced the shutdown of the business. Since then he consults companies, from small to corporate, about business establishment, consolidation and development. He also wrote a book about his experience as re-starter, reflecting on the lessons learnt from failing with his first company.


Interview with Nenad Drašković, founder of COMPOSITION j.d.o.o.

Nenad Drašković, second chance entrepreneur and founder of COMPOSITION j.d.o.o.
"COMPOSITION j.d.o.o. was opened in 2015 and is engaged in the production, installation, and sale of PVC and ALU joinery. The company currently employs five people and for larger jobs we have a solid network of subcontractors for assembly and installation. The company has its own production line and the capacity of the machines ranges from 20 to 30 pieces per day. Currently, we base our business model solely on the custom-made principle, however, I must add that our strategic plan is to launch our own serial production in order to enter new markets."


Interview with Sanja Martinovsky,
Head of the Chamber of Economy and Counseling at the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts

.„In a nutshell, my job is to advise CCTC members on the business of crafts, which includes everything from registering trades,craftsmen's obligations, retirement and health insurance, maternity and parental benefits, contractual and employment relationships, to closing trades when the business is failing. I am engaged in certain stages of the legislative process following the requirements of craftsmen and craftsmanship. I coordinate the work of the Advisory Service, which provides members with information on sources of financing, business liaison and trade shows, the EU market, technical information on product quality, minimum technical requirements, taxes and fiscalisation, and monitors statistical information on craft.”


Interview with Aliona Ivanenco,
Founder of Kartolino-Art Ltd. and Co-founder of Dacronix-Grup Ltd.

Aliona Ivanenco, Founder of Kartolino-Art Ltd. and Co-founder of Dacronix-Grup Ltd.
Aliona is a passionate entrepreneur from the Republic of Moldova specialized in providing clinical psychological counseling and speech therapy services.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)