DanubeChance2.0 Embracing failure to facilitate second-chance entrepreneurship in the Danube region

Final Conference


Throughout the project, DanubeChance 2.0 project partners have been committed to helping businesses overcome the challenges of entrepreneurial life. We placed special emphasis on helping second-chance entrepreneurs during implementation. Our determination and willingness to help were essential to the success of the project.

Towards the end of the project, we warmly invite those who have joined the project in some way, and of course those who have not heard of it, to join us on November 23rd. At the official closing conference of the project on 23rd November, we would like to present to the general public what our team has achieved during the project.


Over the last 3 years, the 12 partners from 11 countries in the Danube region have sought to help enterprises as much as possible by mentoring or organizing training for them.

At the closing conference, the partners will summarize the results, impacts, and lessons learned from supporting second-chance entrepreneurs.

We would also like to present the Second-Chance Entrepreneurship Community Strategy for the Danube Region in which we present possible activities that could contribute to supporting businesses in the future.


What else is expected?


Mentors and mentees will participate in the afternoon session where we would like to present the result of our mentoring program.

Danube Chance 2.0 is pleased to invite all the interested ones to the closing conference on November 23rd!

Check the agenda here.

Let's do more for businesses together!




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)