Output Library

Output Project Year
Output T5.2 30 experts trained at 2. SIMONA training event (pdf 13.4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T5.1 30 experts trained at 1.SIMONA training event (pdf 10.1 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T1.5 40 experts trained at Stakeholder workshop (pdf 8.3 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T1.2 40 experts trained at Inventory workshop (pdf 11.5 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output 4.3 Demonstration at Iron Gate Reservoir (pdf 9.6 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T1.3 SIMONA demonstration at 3 test areas (pdf 3.5 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T6.1 Site-specific sediment quality evaluation guidelines (manual) (pdf 2.4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T4.2 Guidance on sediment monitoring in large reservoirs (pdf 4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T4.1 Reports on national methods and databases (pdf 2.3 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T3.2 SIMONA-IT tool (pdf 427 KB) SIMONA 2022
Output T3.1 Sediment quality evaluation protocol for HSs (pdf 1.9 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T2.2 Sediment quality laboratory protocol for HSs (pdf 1.2 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T2.1 Sediment quality sampling protocol for HSs (pdf 828.4 KB) SIMONA 2022
Output T1.1 Inventory of DRBs sediment monitoring activity (pdf 1.4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T4.1.2 Reports of measurement campaign in the Iron Gate Reservoir (docx 7.1 MB) SIMONA 2021
Deliverable T1.3.2 Laboratory report collection of the 10 sampling sites from test area (pdf 12.6 MB) SIMONA 2021
DRB Baseline Sampling Guidelines (draft_"cookbook") (pdf 13.6 MB) SIMONA 2021
Deliverable T3.1.1 Qualitative review report describing the sediment evaluation methods current status and problems in the DTP countries (pdf 1.7 MB) SIMONA 2020
D.T1.2.2 Table of sampling sites providing details for DRB baseline network (pdf 8.3 MB) SIMONA 2020
D3.2.1 Table of sampling sites providing details for Upper Tisa test area (3) (pdf 3.6 MB) SIMONA 2019
D3.2.1 Table of sampling sites providing details for South Danube test area (3) (pdf 5.5 MB) SIMONA 2019
D3.2.1 Table of sampling sites providing details for Drava test area (3) (pdf 3.6 MB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.2.2 SCOM Meeting (Period 3) (pdf 1.2 MB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.3.2 Observations and comments for Transnationally harmonized sediment laboratory analysis protocol (3) (pdf 614.9 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.3.1 Observations and comments for Transnationally harmonized sediment sampling protocol (3) (pdf 633.7 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.2.2. Transnationally harmonized sediment laboratory analysis protocol for HSs (3) (pdf 498.2 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.2.1. Transnationally harmonized sediment sampling protocol for HSs (3) (pdf 577.7 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.1.4 Meeting minutes of Laboratory WGs meeting (2) (pdf 390.1 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.1.3 Qualitative review report describing the sediment laboratory methods (2) (pdf 1 MB) SIMONA 2019
D.T2.1.2 Meeting minutes of Sampling WGs meeting (2) (pdf 530 KB) SIMONA 2019
Deliverable T.2.1.1 Qualitative review report describing the sediment sampling methods current status and problems in the DTP countries(2) (pdf 927.8 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.T1.1.2 Inventory workshop report (2) (pdf 966.8 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.2.2 SCOM Meeting (Period 2) (pdf 4.8 MB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.2.3 QMB Meeting (Period 1) (pdf 815.2 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.2.2 SCOM Meeting (Period 1) (pdf 508.4 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.2.1 Advisory Board Meeting (Period 1) (pdf 468 KB) SIMONA 2019
D.M.1.2. Kick-off meeting (Period 1) (pdf 3.1 MB) SIMONA 2019
T1.2_Annex5_Harmonisation of analytical methods.pdf (pdf 1.6 MB) SIMONA 2019
T1.2_Annex4_SIMONA Sediment sampling protocols.pdf (pdf 4.5 MB) SIMONA 2019
T1.2_Annex3_SIMONA_WG_Sampling_WP4.pdf (pdf 825.2 KB) SIMONA 2019
T1.2_Annex2_Sediment sampling in large rivers.pdf (pdf 7.3 MB) SIMONA 2019
T1.2_Annex1_Sampling of stream bed sediment.pdf (pdf 2.6 MB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex15_Ukraine.pdf (pdf 804.7 KB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex14_Slovenia.pdf (pdf 1.7 MB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex13_Slovakia.pdf (pdf 2.8 MB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex12_Serbia.pdf (pdf 1.1 MB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex11_Romania.pdf (pdf 1.5 MB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex10_Montenegro.pdf (pdf 598.4 KB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex9_Moldova.pdf (pdf 931.9 KB) SIMONA 2019
D311_Annex8_Hungary.pdf (pdf 723.6 KB) SIMONA 2019

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)