Output Library

Output Project Year
OT3.4 Training Events for Public Authorities and Key Players (pdf 5.3 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Mureș Valley, Târgu Mureș – Târgu Neamț Pilot Area, Romania in Romanian (pdf 7.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.1 Transnational Experience Exchange Workshops (pdf 2.6 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.1 Toolkit for Ensuring Sustainable Use... in Romanian (pdf 36.5 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Targu Mures-Targu Neamt - Annex 5 (pdf 1.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Targu Mures-Targu Neamt - Annex 4 (pdf 723.1 KB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Targu Mures-Targu Neamt - Annex 2 (pdf 1.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Targu Mures-Targu Neamt - Annex 1 (pdf 1.4 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Arad-Deva - Annex 4 (pdf 723.1 KB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Arad-Deva - Annex 3 (pdf 1.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Arad-Deva - Annex 2 (pdf 1.3 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Arad-Deva - Annex 1 (pdf 2.1 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Rila-Verila-Kraishte - Annex 6 (pdf 723.1 KB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Rila-Verila-Kraishte - Annex 3 (pdf 1.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Rila-Verila-Kraishte - Annex 2 (pdf 1.8 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
CSOP Rila-Verila-Kraishte - Annex 1 (pdf 3.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.1 Toolkit for Ensuring Sustainable Use... in Hungarian (pdf 53.8 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.1 A Methodology Standardised for Monitoring of Ecological Connectivity in Hungarian (pdf 6.4 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.2 Technical Application Toolbox for Monitoring Ecological Corridors (pdf 10.8 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-sectoral Operational Plan Novohrad, Slovakia (pdf 15.2 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Cross-sectoral Operation Plan Landscape protection and development in the area of the planned M2 motorway in Hungary (pdf 10.1 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT3.1 Joint Political Declaration on Connectivity (pdf 137.3 KB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3 CB programme PowerPoint structure (pdf 8 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.1 Toolkit for Ensuring Sustainable Use... in Ukrainian (pdf 4.2 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.2 Handbook of Best Practices in Ukrainian (pdf 10 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.1 A Methodology Standardised for Monitoring of Ecological Connectivity in Ukrainian (pdf 6.3 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT3.2 Recommendations towards Integrating Mitigation Measures into the National and EU-level Policy Processes (pdf 9.2 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Zakarpattia Region, Ukraine (pdf 8.6 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Mureș Valley, Târgu Mureș – Târgu Neamț Pilot Area, Romania (pdf 5.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Arad-Deva Pilot Area (pdf 12.4 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Beskydy-Kysuce Cross-Border Area (Czech Republic - Slovakia) (pdf 8.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Rila-Verila-Kraishte Pilot Area (Bulgaria) (pdf 10.1 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Pöttsching (Alpine-Carpathian Corridor) (pdf 11.7 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT2.2 Local Cross-Sectoral Operational Plan Kobernausser Forest (Austria) (pdf 11.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.3 Capacity-building Training Package Organisational Manual (pdf 5.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.2 Handbook of Best Practices for Planning and Implementing Mitigation Measures regarding Landscape Connectivity (pdf 17.3 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
OT1.3.1 Toolkit for Ensuring Sustainable Use and Management of Green Infrastructure in Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) (pdf 7.9 MB) SaveGREEN 2023
Deliverable T.4.2.2 Case study supporting the operation of the hydropower plant from sediment quality point of view (pdf 969.1 KB) SIMONA 2022
Output T1.4 DRB baseline network for HSs sediment monitoring (pdf 6.9 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.1.3.4 Laboratory report collection of the 26 sampling sites from DRB baseline network (pdf 2.4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.1.5.1 Stakeholder workshop report is collecting the questions and their answers from the workshop (pdf 669.7 KB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.5.1 SIMONA-tool v1.0 user guide (pdf 1.6 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.4.3 SIMONA-tool beta version test report template (pdf 492.6 KB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.4.2 SIMONA-tool beta version user guide (pdf 1.3 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.4.1 SIMONA-tool beta version online (pdf 2.3 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.3.1 Observations and comments for Transnationally harmonized sediment evaluation protocol for HSs in DRBs surface waters proposal (pdf 2.6 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.3.2.1 Transnationally harmonized sediment evaluation protocol for HSS s in DRBs surface water proposal (pdf 1.8 MB) SIMONA 2022
Deliverable T.4.2.1 Transnational guidance on sediment quality monitoring in large reservoirs (pdf 811.1 KB) SIMONA 2022
Output T6.2 Small group interactive training and workshop events.... (pdf 9.4 MB) SIMONA 2022
Output T5.3 30 experts trained at 3. SIMONA training event (pdf 5.3 MB) SIMONA 2022

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)