Output Library

Output Project Year
D.C.2.3. TalentMagnet eNewsletter Issue4 (pdf 9.7 MB) TalentMagnet 2022
D.C.2.2. TalentMagnet leaflet - midterm (pdf 980.6 KB) TalentMagnet 2022
D.C.2.3. TalentMagnet eNewsletter Issue3 (pdf 5.9 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.1 Baseline Study (pdf 2.4 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T2.1.1 Guide for setting up and running Local Talent Club (pdf 325.6 KB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (German) (pdf 1.6 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Ukrainian) (pdf 1.7 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Slovenian) (pdf 1.8 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Slovak) (pdf 1.8 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Romanian) (pdf 1.9 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Serbian) (pdf 1.8 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Hungarian) (pdf 1.8 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Czech) (pdf 1.7 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (English) (pdf 1.6 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Croatian) (pdf 1.7 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Bulgarian) (pdf 1.7 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.5 Slide deck on the main findings of the baseline study (Bosnian) (pdf 1.8 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.2.1 Practical Guide on Preparing and Governing Talent Attraction and Retention (pdf 1.2 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.4 Good Practice Catalogue (pdf 9.3 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.C.2.3. TalentMagnet eNewsletter Issue2 (pdf 7.5 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.2 Primary research - survey among the target groups (pdf 284.6 KB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.T1.1.3 Partner-level situation analysis (pdf 1.3 MB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.C.2.2. TalentMagnet leaflet (pdf 153 KB) TalentMagnet 2021
D.C.2.3. TalentMagnet eNewsletter Issue1 (pdf 9.3 MB) TalentMagnet 2020
DT1.1.1_ Microplastic Report (pdf 5.7 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Policy Guidance on Managing Riverine Plastic Waste in the Danube River Basin (pdf 6.3 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT3.3 Tid(y)Up Awareness Raising Movie (pdf 112.2 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Policy Guidence on Managing Riverine Plastic Waste in the Danube River Basin (pdf 6.3 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT2.4. Study visit at a community river cleanup action in Hungary (docx 135.3 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Aquatic Plastic: Transnational River Cleanup Handguide (pdf 6.8 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Aquatic Plastic: Transnational River Cleanup Handguide (pdf 6.8 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
O.T3.3 - Awareness Raising Movie (pdf 113.1 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit multilingual annexes (pdf 713.9 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit Serbian version (pdf 3.7 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit Slovakian version (pdf 570 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit Hungarian version (pdf 3 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit Romanian version (pdf 30.6 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Waste Reduction Toolkit Ukrainian version (pdf 495.7 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Report on 2021 Hungarian study tour - river cleanup practices (pdf 433.8 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Managing Transnational Riverine Litter Pollution in the DRB (pdf 6.3 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
O.T3.1 - Local waste reduction workshops and country forum (pdf 7.5 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT2.3 - Floating awareness raising exhibition; FLEX, the zerowaste river cleanup flagship (pdf 18.5 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT2.2 - Pilot actions in 4 locations: community river cleanups across the Danube River Basin (pdf 29.7 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT1.4 - The pollution map: how to detect, report and visualize riverine litter accumulations (pdf 2.2 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT1.3 - Illustrated Joint Protocol for waste monitoring (E-book) (pdf 4.5 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT1.2 - Training course on the application of current methodologies for macro-plastic assessment (pdf 785.4 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
OT1.1 - Integrative seminar to set base for harmonised measurement protocols of microplastic river pollution (pdf 594.2 KB) Tid(y)Up 2023
Aquatic Plastic Transnational river cleanup handguide (pdf 4.7 MB) Tid(y)Up 2023
T3.2 “Plastic-free waterside” waste reduction toolkit - guide, posters, PPTs (zip 99 MB) Tid(y)Up 2022
GUIDE for waste and ecological footprint reduction (pdf 3.1 MB) Tid(y)Up 2022

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)