TalentMagnet Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region



Our project addresses major societal (demographic and labour market) challenges caused by the outmigration of highly-educated young people, primarily from small- and medium sized towns in the Danube Region (brain drain). Our project intends to address these challenges by improved multilevel governance, targeted policy instruments and practical tools to attract and retain talent – tailored to the specific needs of small municipalities. These challenges are DTP-specific: according to OECD-UNDESA “World migration in Figures”, the biggest increase in emigration rates have been recorded in Danube area. This has grave demographic and labour market implications: these countries experience shortage of highly educated labour force. Limited institutional capacities and lack of prior experience of public bodies, other relevant stakeholders (especially in smaller towns) in the region hinder effective combating against outmigration of young workforce.The main objective of TalentMagnet is to strengthen multilevel governance and improve institutional capacities to reduce the outmigration of talented young workforce. The main result of TalentMagnet is an established new multilevel and transnational governance model/tools/plans for talent attraction and retention, by more effective, wider and deeper transnational cooperation across the DTP.
Our partnership is characterized by transnational, intersectoral and multilevel cooperation forming a Quadruple Helix model with partners from academia, business, politics/administration and civil society in a joint learning process. The ERDF/IPA/ENI partners as well as ASP come from 12 countries: TM will help institutional actors and other stakeholders in the DTP to identify obstacles, develop and implement a plan to address them. Our partnership will improve institutional capacities, design 13 strategies, develop a toolkit, deliver 13 pilot actions, develop policy proposals while establishing a new multilevel governance model.

Improved Institutional Capacities  and New Multilevel Governance  for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region
Start date
End date
Budget in Euro
Overall: 2541875
ERDF Contribution: 1879456.25
IPA Contribution: 176927.5
ENI Contribution: 104210
Call number
Call 3
Well-governed Danube region
Specific objective
Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges

Project Partners

Name Type Email Country
Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj Lead partner danilo.ceh@bistra.si Slovenia
Municipality of Velenje ERDF partner helena.knez@velenje.si Slovenia
First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association ERDF partner lukovicsmiklos@gmail.com Hungary
Municipality of Nyiregyhaza ERDF partner balasa.roland@nyiregyhaza.hu Hungary
Harghita County Council ERDF partner borbathcsilla@hargitamegye.ro Romania
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Project News

  • TalentMagnet - Final leaflet is available
    - 13-12-2022
    Final leaflet is available

    From this link you can download the last WPC deliverable http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/uploads/media/approved_project_public/0001/54/ef1b4ad476ea20634b71b0ff9cc684d4ca99647c.pdf

  • TalentMagnet - eNewsletter - Issue5 is available
    - 26-11-2022
    eNewsletter - Issue5 is available

    Download and read our eNewsletter! http://dtp.interreg-danube.eu/uploads/media/approved_project_public/0001/54/c28841ed709525889f72c2af3888ad3ff4b6284d.pdf

  • TalentMagnet - Final Conference
    - 18-11-2022
    Final Conference

    The keynote speaker of the conference "TalentMagnet in Practice: Together for Talent-friendly Cities" was an internationally known expert of talent attraction and retention, Marcus Andersson (SWE). After his speech, a round table followed where...

  • TalentMagnet - TalentMagnet Conference
    - 06-10-2022
    TalentMagnet Conference

    Dear Sir and Madam, The consortium of the TalentMagnet project (Interreg Danube) is delighted to invite you to the conference: TalentMagnet in practice: Together for Talent-Friendly Cities! Is your city experiencing brain-drain? Do...

  • TalentMagnet - eNewsletter - Issue4
    - 19-04-2022
    eNewsletter - Issue4

    We are happy to announce that TalentMagnet partnership created and published the latest issue of the TalentMagnet eNewsletter! Read the foreword of Béla Kézy, study the tutorial of the brand new TalentMagnet App, get insights to the TalentMagnet...

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)