TalentMagnet Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region

Name Type Email Country
Scientific Research Centre Bistra Ptuj Lead partner danilo.ceh@bistra.si Slovenia
Municipality of Velenje ERDF partner helena.knez@velenje.si Slovenia
First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association ERDF partner lukovicsmiklos@gmail.com Hungary
Municipality of Nyiregyhaza ERDF partner balasa.roland@nyiregyhaza.hu Hungary
Harghita County Council ERDF partner borbathcsilla@hargitamegye.ro Romania
Cassovia Life Sciences ERDF partner martin.haranta@cassovialifesciences.eu Slovakia
DEX Innovation Centre ERDF partner dominika.bucova@dex-ic.com Czech Republic
‘Angel Kanchev’ University of Ruse ERDF partner lilieva@uni-ruse.bg Bulgaria
Regional Cluster "North-East" ERDF partner rc_ne@abv.bg Bulgaria
DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NORTH - DAN LTD. ERDF partner marin.sipek@dan.hr Croatia
Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies ERDF partner stupka@ios-regensburg.de Germany
Centre for European Perspective ERDF partner nina.cepon@cep.si Slovenia
Leoben Holding GmbH ERDF partner angelika.hierzer@leoben-holding.at Austria
European Foundation for Education e.V ERDF partner info@e-f-e.eu Germany
Energy and Innovation Centre of Weiz ERDF partner bernadette.karner@w-e-i-z.com Austria
Municipality of Apatin IPA partner zamenik@apatin.rs Serbia
Department for Development and International Projects of Zenica-Doboj Canton IPA partner djenana.colakovic@zdk.ba Bosnia & Herzegovina
КУ Агенція розвитку Ужгорода ENI-UA partner tayiss@gmail.com Ukraine
Община Бяла Associated partner mayor@byala.org Bulgaria
Municipality of Vareš Associated partner bojan.bosnjak@vares.info Bosnia & Herzegovina
City Varaždin Associated partner maja.hresc@varazdin.hr Croatia
City Municipality Ptuj Associated partner tina.zamuda@ptuj.si Slovenia
Municipality of WEIZ Associated partner patrick.koenig@weiz.at Austria
City of Vienna-EU Funding Agency ltd Associated partner claudia.singer@pa10-danube.eu Austria
Agenţia de Dezvoltare Judeţeană Harghita Associated partner cirilarpad@adehar.ro Romania
Manicipality Žilina Associated partner alzbeta.Slavikova@zilina.sk Slovakia
Croatia Employment service-Regional office Varaždin Associated partner petra.lazic@hzz.hr Croatia
Executive Committee of Uzhgorod City Council Associated partner uzhgorod.inter@ukr.net Ukraine
Public Employment Service Weiz Associated partner helga-maria@ams.at Austria

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)