TalentMagnet Improved Institutional Capacities and New Multilevel Governance for Talent Attraction and Retention in the Danube Region


What makes a city talent-friendly? What is the concept of talent attraction and retention? Watch and listen to Béla Kézy's keynote speach at the TalentMagnet Conference on 24th February 2021.
Be careful! Inspiring content!

How to exploit your talent?
You don’t need to be the best to be the most wanted - this is the main message of Szabolcs Prónay's keynote speech at the TalentMagnet Conference on 24th February 2021.
Be careful! Inspiring and motivating content!

TalentMagnet's aim is to magnetize talented young people from all fields of life. This is our TalentMagnet Having a bad day? crazy "mentalist". Take a break and check out our laugh-out-loud. It will make your day!

Do you know the beautiful and lovely Lady Magneth? She is the host of the first TalentMagnet cartoon. This cartoon is about the physical mechanism of TalentMagnet. Enjoy :-)











Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)