RESTART_4Danube Boosting cREative induSTries in urbAn Regeneration for a stronger Danube region

Filename Date of upload
Craiova LAP.jpg 19-05-2022 10:04:08
D.T3.4.1 Creative Danurban Competition - call for proposals.pdf 11-05-2022 16:44:10
D.T3.2.2 _Training Handbook CUG_Novum.pdf 11-05-2022 16:42:48
D.T3.2.1 Training Handbook UIM_CCE.pdf 11-05-2022 16:42:24
D.T3.1.3 Methodology for Readiness Level Audits for CCIs.pdf 11-05-2022 16:41:07
D.T3.1.1 SO and SR methodology.pdf 11-05-2022 16:40:17
D.T2.1.5 LAP5 - Vratsa, Bulgaria.pdf 11-05-2022 16:38:55
D.T2.1.4 LAP4 - Vas County, Hungary.pdf 11-05-2022 16:38:34
D.T2.1.3 LAP3 - Maribor, Slovenia.pdf 11-05-2022 16:38:11
D.T2.1.2 LAP2 - Rijeka, Croatia.pdf 11-05-2022 16:37:47
D.T2.1.1 LAP1 - Craiova, Romania.pdf 11-05-2022 16:37:22
D.T1.3.2 - 2nd draft_Urban_Green_Paper.pdf.pdf 11-05-2022 16:34:59
D.T1.3.2 - 1st draft_Urban_Green_Paper.pdf 11-05-2022 16:34:22
D.T1.3.1 Smart guide for cities to develop Local Action Plan_UPB.pdf 11-05-2022 16:30:39
D.T1.2.2 Report on the Organization of Follower Policivil Workshops_ODIMM.pdf 11-05-2022 16:28:14
D.T1.2.1 Report on the policivil workshops_PBN - final.pdf 11-05-2022 16:27:37
D.T4.2.1 Policy booklet on new Governance Models for Urban Communities 19-11-2021 11:34:18
D.T4.1.5 Capitalizing the implications of COVID-19 in CCIs for UR.pdf 19-11-2021 11:32:55
D.T1.1.2 Compendium of good practices 19-11-2021 11:30:36
D.T1.1.1 Danubian baseline study 19-11-2021 11:29:43
pol dial WS foto 1.jpg 30-09-2021 13:10:59
Agenda 1st Policy Dialogue WS Rijeka 09-04-2021 20:09:48
Agenda 1st Danurban Taskforce meeting 09-04-2021 20:08:45
Agenda policivil WS R4D 30.03.2021 Maribor.pdf 16-03-2021 16:25:00
Agenda policvil WS R4D 24.02.21 Craiova.pdf 22-02-2021 14:29:39

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)