RESTART_4Danube Boosting cREative induSTries in urbAn Regeneration for a stronger Danube region

Virtual gallery

Welcome to the RESTART_4Danube Virtual gallery!

The Virtual gallery is the output of a photo challenge, which took place during the city tour in Villach (Carinthia, Austria) and Karlsruhe (Baden-Wüttemberg, Germany) in the frame of RESTART_4Danube Project. The participating Project partners were asked to take pictures per each stop of both city tours – from the City of Villach, Gründergarage, the build! Gründerzentrum Kärnten, Technology Park Villach and Infineon in Villach and from the City of Karlsruhe, Old Slaughterhouse, SteamWork, ZKM – Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe and NEXT MANNHEIM in Karlsruhe.

The motto of the photo challenge was "Creative Urban Development". The participants selected one of their photos per stop according to the criteria originality, relevance, impact, sustainability and transferability. Additionally, they added a creative description to the selected picture, which is the picture’s title in the Virtual gallery.

All together 80 pictures were nominated – thanks to the Project partners for their contribution to the photo challenge!

A predefined jury composed of five different project partner institutions rated the nominated pictures according to the aforementioned criteria and jointly agreed on 50 pictures, which were selected for the Virtual gallery. These photos were additionally allocated in the following 7 clusters:

- If there is a future, it is green?
- If you love your workspace, you will love your work a little more?
- It's not about what it is - it's about what it can become!
- Knowledge is power
- Mobility is one of the foundations of our prosperity
- The "earth" without "art" is just "eh"
- There is so much to see in the cities

Now, enjoy your walk through the RESTART_4Danube Virtual gallery and let you guide you through the clusters to gain an inside in the different stops of the city tours in Villach and Karlsruhe!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)