GoDanuBio Participative Ecosystems for fostering the revitalization of rural-urban cooperation through governing Danube Circular Bioeconomy

Filename Date of upload
Output Reports 20-02-2023 08:13:03
Integration Plan for Prospective Actors 20-02-2023 08:13:33
Joint Governance Strategy for the Danube Circular Bioeconomy 20-02-2023 08:13:54
Establishment of Danube wide Circular Bioeconomy Brain Trust 20-02-2023 08:14:13
Action Plan for Rural Development 20-02-2023 08:14:49
Opportunities for Rural Development 20-02-2023 08:15:05
T.1 - Analysis of Circular Bioeconomy Framework Conditions 31-01-2023 14:23:28
Capitalisation of projects and macroregional documents - Regional reports 10-02-2021 09:53:31
Mapping of governance structures in the Danube macro-region 24-06-2022 13:26:31
Circular Bioeconomy Framework Conditions Report 31-01-2023 14:38:56
Regional Stakeholder Reports 27-04-2021 08:01:50
Macroregional framework conditions report 17-11-2021 11:06:45
T.2 - Bioeconomisation of regional excellence 31-01-2023 14:41:37
Missing Links for regional circular bioeconomies - Regional Reports 02-03-2022 07:58:04
Best Practice Brochure - The mobilization of actors for the circular bioeconomy 02-09-2022 07:57:53
Webinars to enable regional actors to take part in participative governance 31-01-2023 14:45:57
Interregional Event 31-01-2023 14:47:24
T.3 - Joint Governance Strategy for the Danube Circular Bioeconomy 31-01-2023 14:48:40
Regional Policy Agendas 02-03-2022 08:49:10
Transnational recommendations 20-12-2022 10:51:43
Establishment of Danube wide Circular Bioeconomy Brain Trust 31-01-2023 14:51:12
Regional Ecosystem Mapping 02-03-2022 08:55:54
Implemented regional policy dialogue 20-12-2022 10:53:16
Implemented transnational dialogue 20-12-2022 10:53:55
Brain Trust Roadmap 20-12-2022 10:54:35
T.4 - Training schemes for regional participative cooperation 31-01-2023 14:54:10
Participative Governance Training Scheme 19-08-2021 07:48:52
Implemented trainings on participative governance 31-01-2023 14:55:45
Co-Creation of innovative pilot projects in the field of circular bioeconomy 20-02-2023 08:54:33
Concept and implementation of co-creation Workshops 20-02-2023 09:02:16
Feedback reports on Co-Creation Workshops 20-02-2023 09:02:38
C - Communication - Plan and Toolkit 31-01-2023 14:20:34
Communication - Digital Activities 20-02-2023 08:27:41
Social Media Profiles 20-02-2023 08:29:05
Short Video 20-02-2023 08:29:32
Press Releases 20-02-2023 08:30:07
Communication - Publications 31-01-2023 14:12:08
Final Publication 09-01-2023 09:36:34
Policy Memos 05-04-2023 09:04:56
Communication - Public Events 31-01-2023 14:07:28
Danube Region White Paper - Cross-Border Collaboration in the Danube Region with focus on circular (bio)economy - Wishful thinking or a realistic option? 02-03-2022 07:56:49

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)