GoDanuBio Participative Ecosystems for fostering the revitalization of rural-urban cooperation through governing Danube Circular Bioeconomy
Danube regions and cities face major societal transitions regarding demographic change. The rural exodus is caused by better employment opportunities for the youth and the prospect of a better life in cities. The movement of labor leads to depopulated areas leaving an aging and increasingly unskilled population behind. However, regions can make a significant new beginning. But a multi-level participative governance approach and new institutional capacities are needed to pool existent excellent competencies and development potentials. Co-creating future strategies to increase the attractiveness of rural areas is the key to give the youth new incentives to revive rural areas. Circular-Bioeconomy is used as a tool, that promises to foster regional development: It is a concept focusing on the transition of a fossil-resource based economy towards an economy making use of sustainable production of biological resources and processes to develop new products, thus setting rural areas and their development into focus. The concept catalyzes interdisciplinary cooperation also between different policy areas/levels to actively address demographic change, by enhancing value creation through new collaboration, business models and value chains raising the attractiveness to stay and even move to rural areas. Long term goal of the project is to enhance the socio-economic status of the regions, contribute to environmental, climate and resource protection as well as foster development of rural areas. An ecosystem for systematic multi-level governance with actors from the interested public, academia, industry and political decision making will be developed. That ecosystem gives space for co-creation and new forms of integrated urban-rural cooperation leading to increased institutional capacity to tackle demographic change. Thus, overcoming the persistent lack of engagement of societal actors in the political system by giving them ownership to address demographic change.

- Start date
- 01-07-2020
- End date
- 31-12-2022
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 2713796.5
- ERDF Contribution: 2214155.21
- IPA Contribution: 92571.8
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 3
- Priority
- Well-governed Danube region
- Specific objective
- Improve institutional capacities to tackle major societal challenges
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH | Lead partner | costa@bio-pro.de | Germany |
ClusterAgentur Baden-Württemberg, hosted by VDI/VDE IT | ERDF partner | mzk@clusteragentur-bw.de | Germany |
Romanian Cluster Association | ERDF partner | contact@clustero.eu | Romania |
Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency | ERDF partner | v.minev@sme.government.bg | Bulgaria |
Croatian Wood Cluster | ERDF partner | projekti@drvniklaster.hr | Croatia |
Project News
GoDanuBio - Second Video
- 18-11-2022With the project nearing its end, it is our pleasure to introduce to you the second and final video produced by GoDanuBio. Hear more about circular bioeconomy in the Danube region from some of our consortium members, as well as some of the...
GoDanuBio - Final Conference: "From linear to circular: Bioeconomy within the prospects of a circular economy in Serbia"
- 28-10-2022You are cordially invited to GoDanuBio's Final conference, titled "From linear to circular: Bioeconomy within the prospects of a circular economy in Serbia" Day 1 15th November 2022; 9:30am - 2:45pm CET (open end) Chamber of Commerce...
GoDanuBio - Final Conference - 15-16/11 in Belgrade and Novi Sad
- 11-10-2022The GoDanuBio consortium is pleased to invite you to a two-day Final Conference, which will take place on 15 November 2022 in Belgrade and 16 November 2022 in Novi Sad. The conference will explore topics such as policy support and...
GoDanuBio - Košice Region Forum for Landscape Recovery: 4th co-creation workshop organized by Košice Self-governing Region
- 11-07-2022Košice Region Forum for Landscape Recovery: co-creation workshop organized by Košice Self-governing Region Within the GoDanuBio project, the Košice self-governing Region took the opportunity to organize the fourth co-creation workshop,...
GoDanuBio - PSG Meeting and Transnational Event ‘The Danube Region at the Turn of the Times - Economic policy impulses from the EU Strategy for the Danube Region’
- 07-07-2022GoDanuBio PSG Meeting and Transnational Event ‘The Danube Region at the Turn of the Times - Economic policy impulses from the EU Strategy for the Danube Region’ (Ulm,...