CrowdStream CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation

    - 25-06-2019

    The international conference, hosted by the Bulgarian partner - Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (UBBSLA) was held in Varna on 28.05.2019. Planned as a project final event, the conference was the meeting place of many European and...

  • CrowdStream - Project achievements summarised in a leaflet
    - 05-06-2019
    Project achievements summarised in a leaflet

    In preparation for the Final CrowdStream Conference, which took place in Varna on May 28, 2019, CrowdStream consortium summarised project achievements in a leaflet. It was disseminated among conference participants and triggered lively...

  • CrowdStream - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 28.05.2019 Varna, Bulgaria
    - 03-05-2019
    INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 28.05.2019 Varna, Bulgaria

    Venue:Graffit Gallery Hotel (, 65, Knyaz Boris I blvd., Varna, Bulgaria The partners of the project CrowdStream(CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM innovation) are delighted to invite you to the final event of the project...

  • CrowdStream - e-learning platform about crowdfunding
    - 05-04-2019
    e-learning platform about crowdfunding

    We have completed the creation and testing of the e-learning platform about crowdfunding. You can find the moodle platform here: This 6 modules training teach you everything you wanted to know about...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream at the 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8
    - 04-02-2019
    CrowdStream at the 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8

    The 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8 took place on December 19, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany. The focus was the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan, introduction of the Danube Strategy Point and discussions...

  • CrowdStream - International Crowdfunding Conference and Steering Committee meeting in Zagreb
    - 22-01-2019
    International Crowdfunding Conference and Steering Committee meeting in Zagreb

    Within the Crowdstream project, International Crowdfunding Conference was organised on December 12th 2018, in Zagreb, Croatia by Zagreb Innovation Centre (ZICER). Main discussion was related to the possibilities and opportunities of...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream Pitching Video
    - 17-01-2019
    CrowdStream Pitching Video

    With a view to efficiently implement project promotion activities within WP2 (C), the partnership implemented a production of a pitching video for CrowdStream outputs (with emphasised outputs of WP5/T3 and WP6/T4). The video represents a...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream at the Brokerage event organised by project Made in Danube
    - 03-12-2018
    CrowdStream at the Brokerage event organised by project Made in Danube

    On November 26th 2018, a Brokerage event in the framework of project Made in Danube took place in Nitra. The matchmaking event brought together SMEs representatives, R&D institutions and academia interested in smart and innovative precision...

  • CrowdStream - “Crowdfunding in a nutshell” Training for start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs at the “Innovation mile” event in St. Pölten, Austria
    - 26-11-2018
    “Crowdfunding in a nutshell” Training for start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs at the “Innovation mile” event in St. Pölten, Austria

    On the 19th of November 2018, a third CrowdStream training session took place as part of the SMARTUP Initiative initiated by the City of St. Pölten, Austria. On this occasion, the Townhall Square in St. Pölten was transformed into an “Innovation...

  • CrowdStream - Training for social enterprises, SMEs and start-ups in Hollabrunn, Austria
    - 19-09-2018
    Training for social enterprises, SMEs and start-ups in Hollabrunn, Austria

    A second training session on crowdfunding gathered about twenty representatives of different social enterprises, SMEs, start-ups as well as motivated private persons in Hollabrunn, in the Lower Austrian LEADER region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg, on...

  • CrowdStream - “Danube Crowd Day” in Wiener Neustadt / Austria
    - 11-09-2018
    “Danube Crowd Day” in Wiener Neustadt / Austria

    A transnational “Danube Crowd Day” was organized by the Austrian project partners of CrowdStream in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) on Tuesday, September 6th, 2018. This interactive networking event brought together project partners, crowdfunding...

  • CrowdStream - Danube Crowd Day and CrowdStream Field Mission - 5.-6.9.2018 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria
    - 31-07-2018
    Danube Crowd Day and CrowdStream Field Mission - 5.-6.9.2018 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria

    The Agency for European Integration and Economic Development and ConPlusUltra Ltd, Austrian partners in the Interreg project CrowdStream, are happy to welcome interested stakeholders at the Danube Crowd Day in the Technology and Research Center...

  • CrowdStream - How to „Kraut“? Or: How does Crowdfunding really work?
    - 25-06-2018
    How to „Kraut“? Or: How does Crowdfunding really work?

    Training session for micro-regional target groups with focus on Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship The CrowdStream training session gathered 22 interested participants from the Austrian micro-region of Hollabrunn (Lower Austria) in order to...

  • CrowdStream - Crowdfunding Visions for the Danube Region are now online
    - 22-06-2018
    Crowdfunding Visions for the Danube Region are now online

    CrowdStream project partners recently developed “Regional Visions” on alternative financing (Crowdfunding/CF) for setting long-term goals in addressing challenges in their regions. Most regions envision the establishment of regional...

  • CrowdStream - Published: Summaries of regional stakeholder meetings
    - 06-04-2018
    Published: Summaries of regional stakeholder meetings

    Results of the analysis phase in project CrowdStream (see D 3.1.1 Regional Market Analysis on CF, D 3.2.1 Regional Profiles, D 3.1.2 Baseline study) served as a basis for discussion during the meetings with relevant stakeholders. The summaries...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream at the 8th Meeting of the EUSDR PA 10 Danube Local Actors Platform
    - 04-04-2018
    CrowdStream at the 8th Meeting of the EUSDR PA 10 Danube Local Actors Platform

    Crowd Stream presented its project results on the 8th Meeting of the EUSDR PA 10 Danube Local Actors Platform. The meeting took place on March 22, 2018 in Vienna. It gathered representatives from public authorities, NGOs, universities and...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream presented at Best Practice Workshop on Social-, Service-, and Eco-innovations in Bio-economy
    - 26-01-2018
    CrowdStream presented at Best Practice Workshop on Social-, Service-, and Eco-innovations in Bio-economy

    Thematic focus: This workshop brings together representatives of higher education institutions, clusters, SMEs and NGOs, to foster local innovation capacity through good practises examples and knowledge exchange on cross-cutting issues related to...

  • CrowdStream - Workshop on Crowdfunding for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Public Entities
    - 18-01-2018
    Workshop on Crowdfunding for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Public Entities

    Nine representatives of different micro-regions located in the Austrian Weinviertel area came together for a workshop on “Crowdfunding for small and medium-sized enterprises and public entities” on January 17, 2018, as part of the CrowdStream...

  • CrowdStream - University of Belgrade at Congress of Biology Students “Simplast” in Kopaonik
    - 02-01-2018
    University of Belgrade at Congress of Biology Students “Simplast” in Kopaonik

        University of Belgrade was invited to Congress of Biology Students “Simplast” on November 10 in Kopaonik to introduce participants with CrowdStream project and present them project activities and answer the questions about crowdfunding....

  • CrowdStream - Stakeholder workshop „Crowdfunding-Alternative Financing of Innovation“ in Belgrade
    - 02-01-2018
    Stakeholder workshop „Crowdfunding-Alternative Financing of Innovation“ in Belgrade

              Stakeholder workshop „Crowdfunding-Alternative Financing of Innovation“ was held in Belgrade, November 13 aiming to question the participants about their view on the current situation of crowdfunding in Serbia. We gathered some...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)