CrowdStream - Danube Crowd Day and CrowdStream Field Mission - 5.-6.9.2018 in Wiener Neustadt, Austria


The Agency for European Integration and Economic Development and ConPlusUltra Ltd, Austrian partners in the Interreg project CrowdStream, are happy to welcome interested stakeholders at the Danube Crowd Day in the Technology and Research Center Wiener Neustadt on the 5th of September 2018. During this interactive networking event crowdfunding experts and practitioners from nine countries of the Danube Region will present different crowdfunding models. Representatives of successful crowdfunding projects will share their experience and discuss practical recommendations. The focus lies on innovative crowdfunding initiatives that can be implemented with support from local crowds and will directly impact local target groups. Participants will have the opportunity to meet like-minded crowdfunding enthusiasts from all over the Danube Region and get fresh insights into the crowdfunding industry of the neighbouring countries and beyond.

Save the date:
         Danube Crowd Day
         5th of September 2018, starting from 17:30
         Technology and Research Center Wiener Neustadt
         Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2, 2700 Wr. Neustadt

This event is funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA) within the Interreg project CrowdStream. Participation is free of charge.

Danube Crowd Day as a public event is embedded into the two-day Austrian “Field Mission”. Within the frame of this broader event conceived as a transnational learning interaction, CrowdStream project partners as well as invited key local stakeholders from the nine project regions will get together to discuss the implementation of regional pilot actions and strategies to improve access to alternative finance for local SMEs and start-ups. A special attention will be given to socially motivated projects and the relevance and prerequisites of crowdfunding mechanisms for social innovation.

Information and registration via email until August 28th, 2018:;;

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)