CrowdStream - Training for social enterprises, SMEs and start-ups in Hollabrunn, Austria


A second training session on crowdfunding gathered about twenty representatives of different social enterprises, SMEs, start-ups as well as motivated private persons in Hollabrunn, in the Lower Austrian LEADER region Weinviertel-Manhartsberg, on the 12th of September 2018.

Since the concept of crowdfunding wasn’t new for the participants and many of them already came with a certain idea in mind, the focus of this training session was laid on further elaborating on their projects. Following an overview about the central actors and their role throughout a crowdfunding campaign, the invited trainer/expert on social crowdfunding  emphasised the importance of activating the project’s own crowd: “You start, of course, with family and friends, but then you have to go wider. For a small, regional project it helps a lot to just copy and hang information sheets around the area!”

The afternoon continued with an intensive working session with small groups working on further concretization of the proposed project ideas, put them into publishable words, drafted a storyboard in order to communicate the projects through a pitching video and/or chose a suggestive picture to express the basic social idea and, last but not least, defined appropriate budget lines as well as a realistic time schedule. In the early evening, six project ideas were presented as being one step closer to a forthcoming crowdfunding campaign.

Training participants in Hollabrunn, Austria
Copyright: CrowdStream

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)