Programme and project news and events

  • INDEED - RESEARCH NEWS │ Why do novel treatments for Alzheimer’s disease fail? │ Professor Frank Jessen, M.D.
    - 01-11-2019
    RESEARCH NEWS │ Why do novel treatments for Alzheimer’s disease fail? │ Professor Frank Jessen, M.D.

    Professor Frank Jessen, M.D. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy University of Cologne, Medical Faculty German Centre for Neurodegenerative Disorders (DZNE), Bonn     The end of yet another Alzheimer’s drug On 21...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - The 4th Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group – Market Intelligence in Clusters, organised in Odessa, Ukraine
    - 31-10-2019
    The 4th Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group – Market Intelligence in Clusters, organised in Odessa, Ukraine

    On 23rd of October took place in Odessa The 4th Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group – Market Intelligence in Clusters. During the event, was debated the cluster approach to regional development in the Danube Region with particular...

  • Finance4SocialChange - 3rd Steering Committee meeting in Germany
    - 31-10-2019
    3rd Steering Committee meeting in Germany

    Fruitful discussion and hard work by our WP leaders. Discussing the next steps and activities done so far. Good things are coming our way. Stay tuned.

  • Finance4SocialChange - ACTIVITIES IN ROMANIA
    - 31-10-2019

    The project partner in Romania, UEFSCDI, promoted F4SC inside the IEW2019 conference, participating in the Exhibition Area. At the same time, a handful of insights on impact investments were shared during the third day, in Panel H. The input...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Inclusive growth in Serbia: overcoming MSME financing constraints
    - 31-10-2019
    Inclusive growth in Serbia: overcoming MSME financing constraints

    On 24th of October, the CCIS has organized the Conference - "Inclusive growth in Serbia: overcoming MSME financing constraints", aimed: • To clearly communicate what is the Serbian MSME and SEs market • To understand diversification of...

  • URBforDAN - News from all Cities – on the edge to our next partner meeting in Budapest
    - 31-10-2019
    News from all Cities  – on the edge to our next partner meeting in Budapest

      Intense work for the benefit of urban...

  • MEASURES - International Conference "Conservation of Danube Sturgeons"
    - 31-10-2019
    International Conference "Conservation of Danube Sturgeons"

    After three days of intense debates, scientific results, best practice projects, failures from the past and further planned researches, the biggest conference in the last 30 years regarding the sturgeons has reached the finish line winning hope...

  • InnoSchool - The end of Romania's mandate at the Presidency of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region
    - 31-10-2019
    The end of Romania's mandate at the Presidency of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region

    On 27-28 of October 2019, the National Forum of the European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (SUERD) was held in Bucharest, Romania. The event marked the end of Romania's mandate at the Presidency of the European Union Strategy for the...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - Third Newsletter of the project
    - 31-10-2019
    Third Newsletter of the project

    Are you interested in our Blended Learning Program? What is the main aim of the training? What kind of modules are available? What are the most important elements of the modules? If you are interested in these questions, then our ...

  • DanubeChance2.0 - Partner Meeting in Banja Luka
    - 31-10-2019
    Partner Meeting in Banja Luka

    Partner Meeting in Banja Luka    On Monday, there was a WP leader meeting in Banja Luka. Where the Work package leaders presented their previous and upcoming activities related to the project implementation. On the second day of the...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)