Finance4SocialChange - Inclusive growth in Serbia: overcoming MSME financing constraints


On 24th of October, the CCIS has organized the Conference - "Inclusive growth in Serbia: overcoming MSME financing constraints", aimed:
• To clearly communicate what is the Serbian MSME and SEs market
• To understand diversification of financial service and social impact
• To understand the role social finance and micro-finance play in EU’s economic and social inclusion policies
• To review the range of practice in financial regulation and supervision in Europe, future plans in the EU

CCIS has brought together various stakeholders from Serbia: representatives of the Social Inclusion and Poverty reduction Unit - Prime Minister's Office; Ministry of finance; locally operating banks; Ministry of Economy; SEs; traditional business and EU: Banca Etica, Italy; Romanian example – The impact to the economy, newest trends; France (ADIE); MicroStart, Belgium; Helenos fund as a first European private equity fund and representatives of European Investment Fund, Luxembourg.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)