URBforDAN - News from all Cities – on the edge to our next partner meeting in Budapest


Intense work for the benefit of urban forests


We all had an intense autumn, with Workshops, first construction activities and spectacular drone flights in our urban forests (in the picture you see Zagreb from high above). Right now we are busy with preparing our partner meeting in Budapest next week. In the meantime here is an overview on our recent activities, so come with us on a journey to all Partnercities!




The City of Ljubljana and Slovenian Forest Service were very busy, mostly with activities related to the preparation of the strategic and operational parts of the Integrated multi-use Management plan (IMMP). The strategic parts are currently receiving the final corrections and the exchange of information and instructions among activity leaders and project partners was very intense.


The presentation of the Ljubljana strategic document to interested departments within the City of Ljubljana was carried out in July. This way the URBforDAN-Team received a valuable feedback from colleagues from the Department for Environmental Protection, Pre-School Education and Schooling Department, Department of Urban planning and Public company for water and waste management.




As a part of URBforDAN promotion each project Partner did film their target area with a drone. The spectacular air footage will be part of the final URBforDAN-movie that will promote the Project as well as partner cities. Filming of Zagreb focus area Grmošćica took place at the end of august to catch all those summer colours. Second part of filming took place in the late ocober to film Grmošćicas mood turning from summer to fall.




During summer and autumn the Municipality of Budapest and the FŐKERT Zrt. worked on the finalization of the strategic objectives relating to the vision of the development of the URBforDAN focus area in Budapest which is situated in the Hármashatár Hill. The Hungarian project partners involved the key stakeholders and experts in the framing of the strategic aims.


Currently, the project team of Budapest is really busy organising the next partner meeting of the URBforDAN project in Budapestv already next week!




City Hall and the Association for Inter-Community Development Cluj Metropolitan Area held the third workshop at  the Tailors' Tower in Cluj-Napoca. The workshop aimed to address the project theme from a practical perspective, taking into consideration that the purpose of the project is the improvement of the Făget Forest area in accordance with the needs of the users, but at the same time protecting the natural heritage.


Thus, through interactive methods, those who were present had the opportunity to voice their opinion regarding the landscape development of Făget Forest.




City of Belgrade held their 3rd Workshop in project Urbfordan at the premises of the City Administration of the City of Belgrade. The workshop was attended by 30 representatives of institutions representing interested users of the Avala Forest as well as one representative of the private sector.


Matijaž Harmel, representative of the project developer from Slovenia, joined the workshop via Skype, who shared the experience of the city of Ljubljana in working on organizing this type of workshop.




To keep our urban forests unique, it is important to raise users’ awareness and promote the effective co-existence of each visitor. To do this, the project team started filming a promotional video showing the various activities taking place in the forest on Vovchynets Hill.


Fans of Extreme Mountain biking (downhill) were the first to get into the picture. In the thick of the forest, the activists themselves have created several difficult routes that are actively used by extreme sports appreciators. 




The project team of Vienna, as leader of the Communication Workpackage, was really  busy preparing the tool kit for all partners including a beautiful visualization of our project – a tree uniting all partner cities in the treetop. A first folder on URBforDAN was prepared in English as a template for all partner cities to be translated in their national language.


Right now, we are really looking forward to Budapest meeting our colleagues again! :-)

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)