Finance4SocialChange - ACTIVITIES IN ROMANIA


The project partner in Romania, UEFSCDI, promoted F4SC inside the IEW2019 conference, participating in the Exhibition Area. At the same time, a handful of insights on impact investments were shared during the third day, in Panel H.
The input collected will be useful for the first "Social Impact Investment Strategy for the Danube region".

UEFISCDI has established a mutually beneficial collaboration with the Interreg project FEMINA, coordinated at regional level by the Regional Development Agency Bucharest-Ilfov. This cooperation will support the implementation of the Business Plan Competition of F4SC and will add value to the development of the "Social Impact Investment Strategy for the Danube region".

UEFISCDI attended the launch of the 24/7 Guide: Social Entrepreneurship on 16 October 2019. The guide documents 20 stories about associations, NGOs, companies, early stage mobile applications, co-working spaces, businesses changing their ways of operating (business models). With this occasion, we had the opportunity to identify new regional social businesses and to deepen the knowledge on the actors of the social entrepreneurship ecosystem. These connections will support the implementation of the Business Plan Competition of F4SC.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)