GREEN DANUBE - Kick off Event


The Kick – off Event of the GREEN DANUBE project took place on 23rd of February 2017. The event enjoyed the presence of 70 participants: interested organizations and bodies, project partners, associated strategic partners. Representatives of Romanian Ministry of Transport, Romanian Naval Authority, local universities, environmental bodies expressed their interest in the problem of fighting the environmental pollution in inland waterways sector.

GREEN DANUBE belongs to the Thematic Pole 7 together with Dante, Danube Skills, Daphne, DBS Gateway region and Danube stream projects. Agenda also included a visit of the CERONAV facilities.

Associate Strategic Partner, Danube Commission.

Keynote speaker, Oceanic Club.

Keynote speaker, Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation.

Kick off Presentations:

Welcome speech by the General Manager of CERONAVOvidiu Sorin Cupșa

Opening speech by the representative of Romanian Ministry of  Transport/ the representative of EUSDR PA1a Co-ordinatorLiliana Sitaru

Opening speech by the representative of Danube Transnational Programme Joint Secretariat Ana Legănel

Opening speech by the representative of the Romanian Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds Andreea Pena

GREEN DANUBE Project contribution to air pollution reduction in the Danube regionTeodor Popa/ CER

Keynote I – Environment protection in protected areas in the Danube Delta Grigore Baboianu/ DDBRA

Keynote II – Environment protection measures of port operators Laurentiu Mironescu/ Port Business Association

Keynote III – Best practices in maritime pollution prevention Răzvan Popescu Mirceni/ Oceanic Club

Synergetic projects: DANTE Robert  Rafael/ PDM

Synergetic projects: Danube SKILLS Ghiuler Manole/ CER

Synergetic projects: DAPHNE Robert Rafael/ PDM

Innovative greening technologies  Valery Penchev/ BDCA

European environment policy supportPeter Szuppinger/ REC

Concept of environmental information centres Doina Munteanu/ CER

Visiting CERONAV.

Visiting CERONAV 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)