
The spring has come and RESTART_4Danube is proud to present you many novelties and developments of the project, so you can enjoy an informative Easter-read!

Enjoy our spring newsletter!






On the 1st of February, the RESTART_4Danube project team initiated the 2022 “Creative Danurban Competition”:  – a contest that aims at bringing young and prosperous creative minds together to develop business or project ideas supporting (sub)urban regeneration in cities from the Danube region. The top three winners will receive the opportunity to travel to Chisinau, Moldova to join the ceremony at the end of the RESTART_4Danube project.

The main aim of the presented competition is to build and nurture the traditions of knowledge exchange. Therefore, we invite students, artists and young creative entrepreneurs, individually or in tandems with mentors from higher education and research institutions, policy makers or SMEs to join in and present your very own project or business idea on how to support urban regeneration.

The competition is designed to cover the three main topics:

Urban regeneration – green or nostalgic?

Spaces and places – old or new?

Coming and going – the art of transition

This competition is a unique possibility for students and young entrepreneurs to join forces and experiment on the possibilities of their own contribution to (sub)urban regeneration of their local cities. This contribution can be in a form of an innovative small-scale project or event or can be set as business idea and at a later stage transformed into real business opportunity.

The competition will be held in three stages:

  • Short project ideas can be submitted until the 20th of April 2020.
  • After an initial selection, participants should submit a detailed description including business canvas, project canvas or event canvas (deadline: July 1, 2022).
  • The ten best applications will present their project or business idea to a panel of experts and the public in an online event on September 30, 2022.

Detailed information about the competition and application templates can be found here:

The first three winners will be invited to the closing event of the RESTART_4Danube project in Chisinau (Moldova).

Sign up for the contest and let your creativity run wild!


Contact person:
Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič (School of Advanced Social Studies)


RESTART_4Danube: The capacity building programme


In order to develop a capacity building programme, RESTART_4Danube has an activity dedicated to trainings.

For this, the project partner Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) has elaborated two training handbooks focused on Urban Innovation Management (UIM) and Creativity and Urban Governance (CUG). Both training handbooks priorities strategies, frameworks and tools to strengthen cities’ resilience: their ability to develop and adapt to modern challenges, through the support and development of creative industries.

Activity leader CCE is responsible for the preparation of the training module on UIM and the delivery of 3 training sessions in Vratsa (M22), Bucharest (M23) and Nova Gorica (M27), discussing the following topics:

  • Explanation of the Smart cities concept;
  • How to develop innovation and operations management in practice?
  • What is innovation and what are the types of innovation?
  • Innovation as part of the management process;
  • What is the national system of innovation and entrepreneurship composed of?
  • What are the differences between innovation and creativity?
  • What does digitalisation in the smart city include, and what are the biggest challenges and opportunities resulting from digitalisation?
  • Presentation of a new business models.

Our Ukrainian project partner NOVUM was responsible for the preparation of the training module on CUG and the delivery of 3 training sessions [activity taken over by our lead partner University Politehnica Bucharest] in Tuzla (M23), Villach (M24) and Uzhgorod (M27), that will contain the following topics:

  • What’s the role of creativity in urban development?
  • Assessing the vulnerability of cities, managing through strategies and a resilience framework;
  • Explaining the Creative City Index;
  • The ten key indicators of a creative place;
  • Developing strategies and roadmaps to make cities more resilient, involving all sectors of the population;
  • Effectively and ethically use data and innovative technologies to develop intelligent solutions to support the sustainable development of creative industries;
  • Mobilising key stakeholders to build sustainable partnerships for sustainable and smart cities - Creative hubs as the core of creative cities.

The associated strategic partners from ASP Tehnopol, NICH and IACH will bring in their expertise in the discussed matters and support the organising partners.

Through these trainings, it is aimed that partners will be on the latest stand with information about new digital skills that are consistent with technological and industrial development within cultural and creative industries, focusing on the uptake of digital skills and e-Competences and the acquisition of the necessary skills. The main impact of the trainings will be the transformation of SMEs, local communities & other interested parties from passive actors, noticing that cities can be more than places for living and doing business, into proactive agents that contribute to the development of modern smart cities with CCIs in focus. This activity directly contributes to the second Specific Objective (SO2) ‘’Develop tools and services to support transnational collaboration and strengthen cross helix cooperation” and will result in a training toolkit.


first in-person partner visit - Study visit, City summit and training in Vratsa



Through the Study Visit on 12 April, the participants will get acquainted and will visit the places included in the Bulgarian local action plan “Green Urban Regeneration”, for which project partner Municipality of Vratsa is responsible. The locations are Mogilanska mound and the park in the Sports Complex "Hristo Botev". The participants will get acquainted to the Plan for the integrated development of the Municipality of Vratsa for the period 2021-2027 and the projects for development of the urban environment. Youth Center – Vratsa will introduce the youth activities it organizes in the region of Vratsa. The Open Vratsa web platform, which is related to the promotion of tourism, will also represent an important station during the event.


The first RESTART_4Danube partner trip is taking place soon! In the week of 11-15 April 2022, our partners the Municipality of Vratsa and CCI-Vratsa are organising a colourful programme for the rest of the consortium, both in person and online format.

The first day of programme, 12 April, will kick-off with a project study visit, followed by visits to the places for the implementation of the Bulgarian local action plan, and a visit to the Regional historical museum and Ethnographic complex.

On the second day, the first city summit of the project is taking place to create synergies between cities involved in LAPs implementation and to get better integrated in a peer review process, providing a lively and active forum for cities representatives. The main purpose is to exchange experiences within all envisaged LAPs implementation and to discuss the challenges and opportunities to support Creative and Cultural Industries development in the Danube region, also by enlightening the previous exceptional experiences from cities of Maribor (2012), Rijeka (2016) and Plovdiv (2019), as European Cultural cities. After this, the partners will go to see the Ledenika Amusement Park as an example of a green open space in the mountains, the Regional historical museum and the Ethnographic complex in relation to their active work in field of CCIs, as well as Vratsata area, which is a nature phenomenon.

Last but not least, CCI-Vratsa will host a training on Urban Innovation Management (UIM). Respecting very closely the above presented handbook for UIM, the trainer partner from CCE will reconcile the innovation process with the Bulgarian national system. In the end, the host CCI-Vratsa will showcase some best practices of smart cities from their country.

In our next newsletter, we will present the results and impressions from the Vratsa-trip and show you first in-person pictures of the partners!



Creativity World Forum 2022:

Workshop on Fostering sustainable (sub)urban regeneration through digital and creative solutions


Together with our Austrian and Slovenian project partners, SEZ will organize an online workshop on how to foster sustainable (sub)urban regeneration through digital and creative solutions on Tuesday 19 July 2022 at 2pm.

This one-hour workshop is part of the programme of the Creativity World Forum 2022 that will take place in Baden-Württemberg between 18-21 July 2022.


To start the discussion, Dr. Clémentine Roth (Steinbeis Europa Zentrum), Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič (School of Advanced Social Studies) and Kathrin Zupan (Carinthian University of Applied Sciences) will present results, findings and good practices from the RESTART_4Danube project. In their presentation, project partners will notably address creative business incubation, creative places, innovative spaces and technological infrastructure, digitalisation and cooperation modes.

The second part of the workshop will consist in an interactive discussion with invited experts and with workshop participants to discuss aspects and ways to foster sustainable (sub)urban regeneration through digital and creative solutions.

Check out the programme of this year’s Creativity World Forum.

Mark the date in your calendar! We will soon publish more information on our social media channels.

Contact person:
Dr. Clémentine Roth (Steinbeis Europa Zentrum)



Speculative design workshop on 02 June 2022


Projects CINEMA and RESTART_4Danube (both 3rd call DTP projects) have been cooperating closely since the beginning of the project implementation, and our regular exchanges now begin to bear tangible fruits. Both projects aim to foster (sustainable) urban regeneration through enhanced involvement of and collaboration with creative industries. Their activities are therefore at the intersection of PA3 and PA8 activities.

The future is more than the linear continuation of the present. We will use the speculative design approach to take an informed view into the mid- and long-term future (about 10 years). What are possible, plausible, and probable futures for cities in the Danube Region? And what would be the preferable or desirable future? In an interactive and co-creation workshop, taking place on 02 June 2022 from 1-4pm CET online, we want to look at the future time perspective of medium and small town and cities in the Danube Region. The discussions will tackle various aspects, e.g. economy, tourism, work, living, mobility/transport, digitalisation/automation.

Workshops objectives:

  • Raise the visibility of project activities and results
  • Engage in a mutual communication on an important topic with policy level and facilitate policy-design at project level (CINEMA and RESTART_4Danube)
  • Strengthen synergies with and among PA3 and PA8

The expected outcome of the discussions from the workshop is a synthesis of future scenario(s) on how cities in the Danube region will look like.

Mark the date in your calendar! More information about the programme and registration link is still to come, so stay tuned and prepare to have an active participation in our discussions. We all shape the future together!


RESTART_4Danube’s second policy dialogue workshop on creative urban regeneration


On 5 April 2022, the RESTART_4Danube consortium has organised its second policy dialogue workshop on creative urban regeneration aiming at raising the visibility of Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) and their economic and social role in creative urban regeneration among policymakers.

This online event hosted by our German project partner Steinbeis Europa Zentrum (taking over from NOVUM, our Ukrainian partner) targeted policymakers, companies and SMEs from the CCI sector, business support organisations and higher education institutions from the Danube region but was open to any interested person. More than 60 participants who were present at the workshop covered these backgrounds successfully. Furthermore, while the aim of the workshop was to have at least 1/3 of participants being women, the achieved number of female participants stretched to almost 2/3!

The presentations of the mid-term draft of the “Common strategy on creative urban regeneration for the Danube region” (Dr. Clémentine Roth, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum) as well as findings from the ongoing implementation of five local action plans (Nika Stajnko, University of Maribor) provided the basis for an interactive exchange between policymakers and other stakeholders.

Finally, a capitalization session provided the opportunity to learn about and from other creative projects and offered opportunities for collaboration and synergies.

  • STIMULART project presented by Dr. Zsuzsanna Földi (Municipality of Jászberény);
  • UrbCulturalPlanning project presented by Simon Drewsen Holmberg (Danish Cultural Institute);
  • CRE:HUB project presented by Patrizia Orofino (Sviluppo Basilicata).

The highlight of this policy dialogue workshop was constituted by a panel discussion moderated by Dr. Tamara Besednjak Valič from the School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica (Slovenia).

If you are interested to find more and get in contact with us, please contact our expert:
Dr. Clémentine Roth (Steinbeis Europa Zentrum)



creative urban green paper 2nd draft:

revised - expanded - improved

by cuas 

The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are among the fastest growing sectors in Europe's economy. More and more cities and decision makers are discovering the positive effects of CCIs for urban development processes, city competitiveness and social inclusion. CCIs offer creative and innovative services and performances, they create jobs and generate turnover. CCIs promote social coexistence because art and culture have something that unites people and thus strengthens the quality of life, inclusion and participation. CCIs are the social cement and thus make societies strong and resilient. They can make the city more sustainable and reduce vacancies because they are strongly oriented towards new processes such as re-use or re-pair. CCIs are intensively networked with other sectors and thus create spill-over effects and promote a dynamic structural transformation. CCIs are key drivers for innovation and creativity and can support the development of solutions for major future challenges such as climate change, demographic change, urbanisation or the digital transformation. In order for CCIs to be implemented more strongly and sustainably in modern urban development processes and for the incorporated development potential to be fully realised, the framework conditions must be improved. In the form of capacity building, the creation of physical and digital infrastructure, in the regeneration of places, with creative business incubations, a better access to finance, or by means of good governance for CCI & urban regeneration.


Figure 1, Ferris wheel in Villach. The 50-metre-high Ferris wheel is located on Nikolaiplatz and is intended to attract more visitors to the city, especially during the winter months. Photo: Zametter 2022.


After an intensive revision phase of the 1st draft of the "Creative" Urban Green Paper, the Carinthian University of Applied Sciences (CUAS) was able to complete the 2nd draft. This 2nd draft of the Urban Green Paper discusses the economic and social importance of CCIs for innovation and growth, highlights current and future challenges of the sector and provides ideas and proposals for strengthening and implementing CCIs in urban and regional development processes. The new draft also contains already exiting best practices with a high practical relevance to increase the visibility and the understanding of the importance of CCIs in the context of urban regeneration processes.

Furthermore, a summarized overview of the elaborated five local actions plans (LAPs) and the variety of actions is integrated in the 2nd draft. The LAPs of RESTART_4Danube display the priorities and strategies of the various project partners and cities in the context of their urban regeneration strategies. The implementation planning of the LAPs is in full swing. Finally, new statistical data and sources, also further important experience reports/studies in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are embedded, new ideas are formulated and matured views for strengthening CCIs in urban regeneration processes are discussed. The 1st draft was revised entirely, expanded and improved so that an entirely new 2nd draft could arise. However, this 2nd draft also is developed as a kind of “living paper” that is to be used as a basis for a further comprehensive discussion and the possibility to give feedback to the authors. In the coming process, questions, ideas, new best practices, further reports and new views with regard to the topic will be integrated into the next and final draft. The 2nd draft of the “Creative” Urban Green Paper will be presented and discussed on site at the study visit in Hungary, Vas County in June 2022. 



Support visits of the lead partner UPB as encouragement for the local action plans’ organisers

Within the project RESTART_4Danube, Lead Partner - University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest (UPB) is actively involved in the development and implementation of the five local action plans (LAPs). With the intention to support the Croatian tandem – City of Rijeka and Croatian Chamber of Economy, in the Croatian LAP implementation, focused on “Sustainable regeneration of industrial buildings”, UPBs team payed a support visit in Rijeka, on March 30, 2022.

Striving to bring modern technologies closer to the creative community, by using the renovated capabilities of recently reused old industrial buildings – such as Production Park Torpedo and Children's Home, the visit also included a tour of other two buildings, Art quarter Benčić and the RiHub center & Startup incubator.

The 3D “RInovatoRI” workshop facilitated a professional debate on the effectiveness and impact of the Croatian LAP, in the frame of the wonderful sea site of Rijeka (more about this workshop in the next newsletter).

Source: Municipality of Vratsa


City of Rijeka / source:


Furthermore, the Bulgarian LAP, focused on “Green Urban regeneration”, will benefit from the support of UPB during the study visit on 12 April, detailed in an article above. Other topics of debate with experts and representatives of organizations working in the field of urban regeneration and open green spaces will focus on “Modernization of the pedestrian zone in the city of Vratsa” and “Future infrastructure projects of the Municipality of Vratsa”.




Rijeka local action plan:

3DITion workshop and 3D RInovatoRI

implemented by mid-April


By mid of April 2022, Rijeka project partners will implement both actions defined by the local action plan (LAP) of Rijeka within the project RESTART_4Danube. These two workshops - 3DITion and 3D RInovatoRI are intended for different target groups.

3DITion workshop will introduce the participants to the basics of 3D technology and its advantages that can be used in everyday business and/or fully applied in the production process. The workshop will include a demonstration of the modeling, scanning and printing at high-end industrial equipment, and the final outcome will be a solid product. 3DITion is primarily intended for SMEs from the creative industries, but also from other technological and manufacturing fields. The workshop was held on March 31, 2022 in Production park Torpedo in Rijeka, the center for additive and 3D technology.

3D RInovatoRI workshop is a new session of already existing program RInovatoRI for development of entrepreneurial skills of children, age 11-14. This program section is fully dedicated to 3D technology and is consisted of 2 parts: 3D workshop in Children’s House and Interactive visit to Production park Torpedo. 3D RInovatoRI workshop will be held on 13 April 2022.

Both workshops were and will be held in refurbished ex-industrial buildings which are now repurposed into facilities with new functions. Rijeka LAP actions are contributing to its sustainability by implementing new and needful programs which will enhance entrepreneurial culture and skills, especially in the field of creative industries.

You can find detailed information and pictures from the workshops soon on the social media channels of RESTART_4Danube, so stay tuned and follow us on:






Sárvár local action plan:

Refurbishing heritage & historical buildings


In January 2022, the Hungarian partners started the prepation of the implementation of the Local Action Plan. Within the first action, a mobile application will be developed by the end of the year in cooperation with CCI actors and students. The aim of the action is to develop a mobile application which focuses on how a heritage site can be rethought in Vas County.

Several brainstorming meetings took place in the past months with their main stakeholder: iASK – Institut of Advanced Studies Kőszeg. The mission of iASK is to bring together a critical  mass of intellectually open, courageous and knowledge-sharing practitioners. They renovated long-abandoned, historical buildings, in which nowdays educational activities, lectures, exhibitions are held and these have been home to libraries, conferences, workshops.

iASK is:

  • a transdisciplinary research centre whose activities span the world of science from quantum physics to music and the arts;
  • a venue for conferences, seminars, workshops and other for each year, mostly open to the general public, in person and online;
  • a home to relevant and cutting-edge research through the interaction between senior and early-career researchers;
  • a provider of policy recommendations for a wide range of public stakeholders;
  • active in addressing present European historical, social and political issues with special attention to Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Balkans.

Currently, PBN is working on the development of the mobile application within Action I. They are cooperating with artists and researchers in creating the content and designing the application.




Funded Innovation Assistants


Innovationsassistenten: © Stadt Villach/Kompan

The Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund advertises to fund innovation assistants to foster the innovative strength of local companies, mainly SME. The idea is, that these innovation assistants are newly employed in the company to support R&D, innovation or digitalisation projects of the companies an in context of innovation and smart city. In addition to their work in the company, they participate in a qualification and training program about modernization and digitalisation. While skilled job beginners get the chance to start their career, companies get the chance for exchange in an innovation and knowledge network.

Even though the call mainly focuses on SME, the public administration of the City of Villach is funded too. Villach is seen as “dynamic and prosperous centre in the Alps-Adriatic region”, that wants to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. Hence, the two innovation assistants in the City of Villach will support modernization processes in the public administration and initialize new ideas. They are employed in the IT department, to develop a digital citizen portal and to link the data resources across municipalities, and in the water works, to introduce automatic water meters and to establish a facility for the emergency and replacement supply of drinking water in a case of crisis. The city of Villach is increasingly becoming a digital city. New opportunities for economic growth, sustainability, citizen participation and competitiveness are seen in the possibilities.



My idea – my shop


The City of Villach and the Carinthian Economic Development Fund (KWF) cooperate to strengthening business development for urban regeneration reduce vacancies in the city centre. Creative people with an initial idea and a business plan, who want to become self-employed, can apply for this funding. Afterwards a jury decides, which ideas will be funded. The funding gives young entrepreneurs time to start their creative entrepreneurial idea and to test their business idea.

The City of Villach takes over 75 % of the rental and operating costs for a period of six months. The KWF pays a one-off prize money of up to 3,000 € for opening their business. In addition, the funded entrepreneurs can participate in network meetings and will be part of marketing measures of the City of Villach. Besides, the winners have access to the economic and practical knowledge of high school students from the Academy of Commerce (HAK) in Villach with the support of their teachers, e.g. by supporting the ideas in the context of diploma theses or project works. 

However, not only the winners benefit from the funding, but also the city of Villach. The newly funded shops will be located in the inner city in vacant spaces of different sizes (15 to 250 m2). Hence, the funded business ideas will revitalize the inner city, increase the branch mix and promote urban regeneration.,-gewerbe-und-unternehmerservice/mein-shop (videoclip of City Marketing Villach, posted on 10.03.2022)

Also, visit us on:

The picture displays the successfully funded shop “Mamabo” in the inner city of Villach:

Mamabo: © Stadt Villach/Gillner 




Giurgiu returns "facing the Danube" through an urban regeneration project


Giurgiu residents are challenged to rediscover local beauties!

The Smârda neighborhood is the site of an important project called "Facing the Danube", which targets both the cultural and tourism area.

The communities of Giurgiu are activated with the help of a program developed by the Association for Urban Transition, Urboteca, Faculty of Urbanism of the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucharest and Giurgiu City Hall, with the support of local partners.



What will happen?

From February to July 2022 a series of activities focused on history, culture and nature will be organized. The project has a history of two years, starting in 2020 with the DANUrB+ project and keeping the focus on urban regeneration and local heritage development. 

"It is said that Danube towns are positioned either facing towards or facing away from the Danube depending on the orientation of the neighbourhoods. But we believe that there is also a social element at stake, namely how the city opens up its local architectural and natural heritage to be known, celebrated and protected.  The project continues the activation of the city of Giurgiu started in 2020 through the DANUrB+ project and focuses this year on the urban regeneration and cultural-touristic valorisation of the Smârda neighbourhood. The district thus becomes a representative anchor for what the city of Giurgiu has to offer through a series of activities focused on historical, natural and cultural heritage”, states the Association for Urban Transition.

Those who have a connection with the Smârda neighbourhood in Giurgiu and are interested in sending photos from their personal archives can do so at Thus, the association tries to keep alive the memory of the places and people of Smârda. The photo materials will be the basis of the "Then and Now" exhibition, which will be launched in the spring at the "Teohari Antonescu" Regional Museum.

Planned activities include:

  • The exhibition "Then and Now" about the history and present of the Smârda neighborhood through photos from public historical collections and private archives by participatory call
  • Video series of interviews about the future of the neighborhood and the city with key actors from the Giurgiu-Ruse Euroregion
  • Revitalization of the Tabiei Wall and the last hut in Giurgiu together with the communities of La Bordei and Parcul Fabricii de Zahăr
  • Danube Days Festival with regeneration actions, walking tours and community activities




Presentation of related projects:



In order to get a better overview on parallelly running projects, which deal with related topics as RESTART_4Danube, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum – the leader of the project communication activities decided to connect with these projects and let them present themselves and express their willingness to collaborate on topics which they also find relevant and proper for a possible collaboration. The first project that we give to you is ECoC SME.

Project ECoC SME
Actions for inducing SME growth and innovation
via the ECoC event and legacy

(implementation period: 2019-2022)

Even though the European Capital of Culture mega-event has proven potential to strengthen regional economies, host cities receive no concrete guidelines about how to achieve this beyond the cultural year. For a more concrete and sustained impact on regional economies, how could small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) be engaged in and strengthened through, these ‘cultural’ projects? Since summer 2019, with the support of the Interreg Europe Programme, five regions across Europe that in recent and forthcoming years host the European Capitals of Culture have come together for mutual learning and knowledge exchange: Leeuwarden-Friesland (NL), Matera-Basilicata (IT), Rijeka (CR), Timisoara-Vest Region (RO) and Kaunas (LU). The ‘ECoC-SME’ cooperation is coordinated and advised by a team of experts at the University of Eastern Finland. With such peer-support, participants have prepared action plans for their cities and regions.

From August 2021, the regions involved are implementing these actions in order to improve and augment their existing policies for the promotion of SMEs, linking local entrepreneurship to the European Capital of Culture and its positive, long-term legacy. The public authorities which will use the proposed actions are those in charge of utilising regional ERDF funds or are responsible for allocating their own municipal budgets.

Connect with ECoC SME:


Contacts of lead partner:
Ágnes Németh (University of Eastern Finland)




Outlook on future restart_4danube trainings


At the beginning of the newsletter, we presented the 2 modules of the RESTART_4Danube capacity building, Urban Innovation Management (UIM) and Creativity and Urban Governance (CUG). The trainings are planned to take place as follows:





In this short note, the RESTART_4Danube consortium wants to express how much we miss our project partner Informational Center for Innovation and Development “NOVUM” from Uzhgorod, Ukraine since the end of February 2022. Due to external circumstances, they are impeded for some time now to bring their valuable contribution to the project.

In their support, the other partners have joint forces and took over some of their activities – only in this newsletter we presented to you two valuable contributions which they could have had in this period of project implementation under normal circumstances: The second policy dialogue workshop and the three trainings on Creativity and Urban Governance.

Dear NOVUM partners, you are being missed!



At the end of our first newsletter in 2022, we would like to finish on a sunny note
– just like the weather outside –
and wish you a Happy Easter and a Sunny Spring Holiday!



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)