Project E-Newsletter, Issue 2 | December 2017


JOINTISZA Project E-Newsletter, Issue 2 | December 2017




Sand bags for flood defence in 1970 (photo source:

Flood of the 1970 on the Tisza River is still in mind of the inhabitants of its floodplains as well as the experts who keep facing the challenges in defending the area from flooding. Dr. János Fehér, Hon. University Professor, JOINTISZA project – WP6 Leader shared a personal moment related to the Tisza River, as well as gave insight to currently on-going work within the project as well as challenges to be addressed.

"When I was a teenager – unfortunately, many decades ago – during the summers, I spent lots of time at my maternal grandparents’ home in Szeged. During those visits, I enjoyed spending time on the Tisza riverbank. However, my most outstanding memory of the river dates back to the summer of 1970, when a never-seen-before flood swept down the river – causing huge damage in Hungary’s Upper Tisza region. The situation was also very critical in Szeged, as the water level exceeded the height of flood protection levees over long sections. At the bridgehead near the city centre, close to the Móra Ferenc Museum, the water level was above the sidewalk, almost overflowing the parapet, which had to be supported by rows of sandbags to contain the water. The sight was amazing. I had never seen such a huge, wide Tisza before! The memory still reminds me that such a calm, ‘blond’ river as the Tisza could actually be quite dangerous—and it’s a reminder that proper river management remains an essential task.

Click here to read the interview in its entirety.




The Tisza mayfly (Palingenia longicauda) is an aquatic insect that can be found along the Tisza River in Hungary and Serbia. It is the largest Europe’s mayfly species, measuring up to 12 cm in body length and 25 cm including the tail. In Hungary, this phenomenon can be found in the Hortobágy National Park, and in Serbia, the mayflies are found upstream of the Senta settlement and near Kanjiža, but they are also found sometimes further downstream, near Novi Bečej.

Read more


Consultation timeline is published, so book time in your agenda!


River basin planning follows a structured approach: finding out the facts, deciding on the necessary actions, making a management plan, and carrying out the plan. Consultation and the involvement of interested parties are key elements of the process.

Public consultations will take place at various stages during the updating process of the draft Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan (ITRBMP) on the following topics: Significant Water Management Issues (SWMIs); and the updated draft of the ITRBMP including the Joint Programme of Measures. A basin-wide consultation meeting will take place in March 2019.

Please consult the tentative consultation timetable here.



  • Have your say! —Establishing a solid basis for working together in the Tisza River Basin: starting from October, JOINTISZA project stakeholders were invited to complete a survey to indicate their level of interest and anticipated involvement in developing the updated Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan (ITRBMP). Read more here.
  • Capitalisation event 6th AF of the EUSDR — Making the most of cooperation: representatives from four Interreg projects (CAMARO-D, DanubeSediment, DriDanube, JOINTISZA) participated in a Danube Transnational Programme capitalisation event during the 6th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, held in Budapest. Read more here.
  • JOINTISZA pilot action focuses on flood and drought: in October, the Hungarian city of Szolnok hosted a JOINTISZA project event focusing on pilot activities to investigate climate change-induced drought and flood-related issues within a small region of the Tisza River Basin. Read more here.
  • November meetings focus on delivering according to plan: The JOINTISZA project held a Steering Committee meeting and a Second Project Management Unit Meeting in Bratislava during back-to-back sessions in November. Read more here.
  • Food for thought: hunting for new and interesting things to read related to the Danube Basin? The JOINTISZA team has several good recommendations!



If you are interested in the sustainable management of the Tisza River Basin, and if you would like to receive first-hand updates on new developments within the JOINTISZA project, then please join the JOINTISZA LinkedIn group! For details click here.




The JOINTISZA E-Newsletter is available online here. Go to the bottom of the project homepage to obtain a free newsletter subscription.




JOINTISZA Project Manager

Balázs Horváth

Phone:+36 1 225 4400 extension 10330



JOINTISZA Communication Manager

Imola Koszta

Phone: +36 26 504 000



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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)