SaveGREEN Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin

Site specific give aways collection

During the course of the SaveGREENproject, the team came up with ideas on what pieces of gifts could be suitable to represent the pilot area and nature. This is how the collection of site-specific giveaways was born. A collection of a limited 200 items per pilot area were designed and produced to help improve the identification and relation of the pilot areas with their specific traits.

The SaveGREEN project's specific pilot sites:

  1. Kobernausser forest in AT, last remnant ecological corridor connecting the Alps AT with the CZ Republic
  2. Pöttsching, the Alpine (AT)-Carpathian (SK) Corridor on the AT side;
  3. Beskydy-Kysuce CZ-SK cross-border area, connecting the inner Carpathians and the periphery;
  4. Novohrad-Nógrád SK-HU cross-border area between South Slovakia and North Hungary bridging the North-South movement of large carnivores;
  5. Zakarpattia region in Ukraine connecting Romania and Slovakia;
  6. Mures valley (Arad- Deva), corridor area between Apuseni Mountains and the main Carpathian arch in Romania;
  7. Mures valley (Târgu Mureş - Târgu Neamţ), Eastern Carpathians in Romania;
  8. Rila-Verila-Kraishte corridor in Bulgaria connecting Bulgaria with Northern Macedonia and Serbia.

The giveaways are distributed during events organised by the consortium or to which the project team attended nationally, regionally and internationally. These internal events are info days and press field trips and transnational workshops, also the capacity building event series.

 Check out the gifts and the stories behind them!

WWF-CEE & EAA created 3 site-specific giveaways. The 3 giveaways are organic apple juice, produced in the Kobernausser Forest pilot area, wooden spinning tops, also produced in the pilot area, and little bags with seeds of local wildflower varieties. 
Read more about the pilot areas here

BSNN & BBF produced a set of tote bags with a design of an overpass for animals and a pack of herbal tea mixture reminiscent of the Bulgarian mountains as a site-specific giveaway to represent the Rila – Verila – Kraishte corridor pilot area in the mountainous southwest of the country. The created gift was chosen because of the environmental message behind it focusing on the protection of wildlife and nature and has been produced by a local producer using Bulgarian mountain herbs for tea mix, kraft paper for the tea pack and natural colour cotton fabric for the bag to underpin environmental messages. 
Read more about the pilot area here

Czech Republic:
FoE CZ & CDV produced as a giveaway an apple juice in bio quality to represent the Beskydy-Kysuce pilot area. The apple juice is made in the juice factory called Moštárna Hostětín from Bílé Karpaty - this mountain range is part of the Czech-Slovak pilot area. The region is in this kind of Interreg project for the first time and FoE is researching the landscape connectivity of this region with the rest of the pilot area Beskydy-Kysuce. Moštárna Hostětín is saving the old varieties of apple trees as well and it is connected with a local ecological educational centre. Making their products in bio quality help to save the beautiful nature of Bílé Karpaty.
Read more about the pilot area here

CEEweb & MATE produced a birdfeeder as a site-specific giveaway to represent the Hungarian (Nógrád) and Ukrainian pilot areas. The created gift is introducing 1 Hungarian and 1 Ukrainian protected bird species as well as the factsheets of the pilot areas. Birdfeeders have been designed in cooperation with BirdLife Hungary and a local artist. The created gift was chosen because of the valley of the River Ipoly and the Börzöny Mountain are one of the most important bird habitat in the directorates of Danube-Ipoly National Park, produced by a local company. 
Read more about the pilot area here

WWF RO & AZ & EPC have chosen honey as a site-specific giveaway as it symbolises the connection between nature and people and is a traditional product of the Arad-Deva pilot area. A label was designed to represent the project containing the mandatory DTP elements as well. 
Read more about the pilot areas about Arad-Deva and about Targu Mures

WWF SK & SPECTRA produced 2 types of giveaways: a handmade soap from goat milk and honey as site-specific giveaways to represent the Novograd pilot area. The soap was chosen as a very original product produced by a local lady, and honey was chosen as a typical local product. The first giveaway already holds the DTP visibility requirements, accepted by the WPC lead, the Consortium lead, and the DTP representative, the second is being printed in the 5th period and will be added to the bottle as a sticker.
Read more about the pilot area here

Check out the official promotional materials as well!
Join us online by following the #SaveGREEN or come to our events and have a piece of SaveGREEN for yourself!


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)