SaveGREEN Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin

Twitter adventure

Make your own story within the SaveGREEN pilot areas!

Ready, steady, go!

SaveGREEN launches Twitter Adventure on ecological connectivity in the Carpathians


The SaveGREEN project has launched its own Twitter game. ‘Make your own story’ – or ‘MYOS’ – is a playful and informative way to help users learn more about on-site nature conservation and ecological connectivity.

CEEweb, in its Lead Partner role for SaveGREEN project communication, has developed eight unique MYOS games with the help of the project partners. The game’s storylines are connected to SaveGREEN project pilot sites and focus on a specific problem pertaining to each pilot area.

The challenge for users is to choose from one of two options at successive stages to advance through the story, which proves to be both fun and informative. A succession of wrong choices will put the user on a dead-end path, so it’s important to choose carefully!

Translations of the Twitter games will soon be available in the national languages of all the participating countries! 

Now that we’ve piqued your interest, it’s time to begin the adventure! Start by clicking on the links below to challenge yourself – and your friends!

Ready, Player 1? Go!

Scene: Kobernausser Forest in Austria, the last remnant ecological corridor connecting the Austrian Alps with the Czech Republic

Help a deer cross a bridge in Austria?

Help a love-struck deer to cross a motorway and join its mate. At the same time, learn to differentiate between good and bad aspects of a green bridge!

Scene: Pöttsching, the Alpine (AT)-Carpathian (SK) corridor on the Austrian side

Analyse camera traps in  Austria!

You’ve just been awarded an internship at an Austrian nature conservation organisation that uses camera traps as an on-site conservation technique. Do you have enough knowledge to meet the high expectations of your supervisors? Meanwhile, add a few facts on forest animals and their movements to assist your monitoring knowledge!

Scene: Rila-Verila-Kraishte corridor, which connects Bulgaria to North Macedonia and Serbia

Befriend a wolf in Bulgaria!

You’re hiking in the mountains in Bulgaria when you encounter a friendly wolf in need. Your mission is to assist the wolf on its way to the Kraishte Mountains, making sure that you both get there safely. During the adventure, you’ll face hazards resulting from ecological fragmentation.

Scene: Novohrad-Nógrád cross-border area between southern Slovakia and northern Hungary, a bridge for north-south movement of large carnivores

Be an eco-connectivity hero for Hungary - Slovakia!

In this challenge, your role is to assist decision makers in finding a way to preserve ecological connectivity and enhance green infrastructure development in the Nógrád-Novohrad pilot area.

Scene: Mures valley (Arad- Deva) corridor area between the Apuseni Mountains and the main Carpathian arch in Romania

Visit your family Arad-Deva Romania ?

You’re travelling with your family to visit grandmother, who lives near the Mures River in Romania. The motorway you’re on passes through an ecological corridor for neighbouring bears. If you want to get to grandma’s without having a serious accident, observe the speed limit and be on the lookout for animals. Have a safe journey!

Scene: Mures valley (Târgu Mureş - Târgu Neamţ), Eastern Carpathians in Romania

Be an eco-connectivity expert in Romania!

You’re interning at National Road Infrastructure Ltd. and are involved in planning a motorway in the Târgu Mureş area. To pass the Environmental Impact Assessment, you’ll have to consider the extra cost of noise barriers to protect the native bird population. Is it worth it?


Scene: Beskydy-Kysuce (CZ-SK) cross-border area, connecting the inner Carpathians and periphery

Be the Steward of Beskydy in Czechia?

Put yourself in the hiking boots of a true nature lover who has an exciting adventure in the Beskydy pilot area. By following the tracks of a mystery animal, you practice your animal identification skills, learn more about the area and its importance for ecological connectivity, and find out for yourself what it’s like to be a ranger.

Scene: Zakarpattia region in Ukraine, connecting Romania and Slovakia

Geocaching in Ukraine?

As a player in Zakarpattia, you take part in a digital geocaching exercise. During this adventure you’ll learn a lot about bears in the region while training your critical thinking skills to recognise false leads and bad information. You’ll have to follow the signs to locate the final treasure at the of the game. Happy coordinates!

Join in any of the adventures and leave your digital mark in our pilot areas! 


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)