GREEN DANUBE Integrated transnational policies and practical solutions for an environmentally-friendly Inland Water Transport system in the Danube region

  • GREEN DANUBE - Romanian National Workshop on reduction of IWT pollutant emissions by use of innovative greening technologies
    - 08-10-2018
    Romanian National Workshop on reduction of IWT pollutant emissions by use of innovative greening technologies

    WHEN: 25 September 2018 WHERE:  Constanta HOST:  CERONAV - Romanian Maritime Training Centre NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 35  

  • GREEN DANUBE - raising public awareness on environment
    - 05-10-2018
    raising public awareness on environment

    On 2nd October RSOE project team has travelled to Varna, Bulgaria with the DunaPromo mobile Environmental Information Centre to raise public awareness on environmental aspects of inland navigation among Bulgarian 7 and 9 grade students. The aim...

  • GREEN DANUBE - within the context of 3 Seas Initiative Business Forum
    - 25-09-2018
    within the context of 3 Seas Initiative Business Forum

    In the context of creating GREEN DANUBE synergies, representatives of project partner ACTEDJ attended the 3 Seas Initiative (3SI) Business Forum in the period of 17th – 18th September 2018, the Forum being organized by...

  • GREEN DANUBE - First National Policy Workshop
    - 24-09-2018
    First National Policy Workshop

    The GREEN DANUBE Policy Agenda Validation Workshop organised by Pro Danube Management GmbH in Vienna, Austria, offered a platform for inland waterway transport (IWT) stakeholders from public authorities, fleet operators and other IWT experts to...

  • GREEN DANUBE - dissemination at Assembly of European Regions Black Sea Summit in Odessa
    - 10-09-2018
    dissemination at Assembly of European Regions Black Sea Summit in Odessa

    Within the context of disseminating the projects results and connecting them with other relevant initiatives in the area, in the period 5-6th September, GREEN DANUBE Project was presented by ACTEDJ team during the AER Summit Black Sea-Danube...

  • GREEN DANUBE - visited by Prime Minister of Serbia
    - 03-09-2018
    visited by Prime Minister of Serbia

    On 13th August 2018, the Prime Minister of Republic of Serbia Ms. Ana Brnabić visited National Park Iron Gate, local partner of Danube Competence Centre in the GREEN DANUBE project.    During the visit, director of the National Park,...

  • GREEN DANUBE - at the anniversary of 20 years of successful cross-border cooperation in the "Lower Danube" Euroregion
    - 27-08-2018
    at the anniversary of 20 years of successful cross-border cooperation in the "Lower Danube" Euroregion

    The "Lower Danube" Euroregion, a cross-border cooperation structure bringing together public administrations from three states: Ukraine - Odessa Regional State Administration, Odessa Regional Council and Reni District Council, Republic of...

  • GREEN DANUBE - synergy with EASME project*
    - 08-08-2018
    synergy with EASME project*

    Within the context of disseminating the project results and connecting them with other relevant initiatives in the area, on 1st and 2nd August 2018, GREEN DANUBE Project was presented by ACTEDJ team during two of the series of the Mutual learning...

  • GREEN DANUBE - 3rd set of air quality measurements - the story
    - 02-08-2018
    3rd set of air quality measurements - the story

    While project partners were all focused on reporting the activities in the first semester of year 2018, the team of Danube Delta National Institute in Romania had an extra task. And it was not an ordinary one...

  • GREEN DANUBE - at 14th meeting of EUSDR PA 1a Steering Group
    - 13-06-2018
    at 14th meeting of EUSDR PA 1a Steering Group

    Project partner Pro Danube Management GmbH was invited to present progress of GREEN DANUBE at the 14th meeting of the EUSDR Steering Group.

  • GREEN DANUBE - selected Best Practices for IWT air pollutant emission reduction
    - 08-06-2018
    selected Best Practices for IWT air pollutant emission reduction

    Project Partners, including some of the Associated Strategic Partners, selected best practices from over twenty identified good practices for air emissions reduction of inland shipping. The nominated GREEN DANUBE Best Practices are...

  • GREEN DANUBE - Successful first event of transnational environmental information campaign
    - 31-05-2018
    Successful first event of transnational environmental information campaign

    First event of the transnational campaign has been successfully organised in Duisburg, Germany. DST (Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems) hosted the first event of the transnational campaign organised by RSOE...

  • GREEN DANUBE - at international scientific symposium
    - 18-05-2018
    at international scientific symposium

    Danube Delta National Institute is currently organizing the 26th International Symposium "Deltas  and  Wetlands" 2018 which is held in Tulcea, Romania.                 GREEN DANUBE project was presented in Section II: Environmental...

  • GREEN DANUBE - 4th Partners meeting
    - 14-05-2018
    4th Partners meeting

    Last week the fourth partners meeting of the GREEN DANUBE project took place in Duisburg, Germany on the 08th and 09th of May 2018, hosted by the German partner DST - Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems. On the first...

  • GREEN DANUBE - and Danube SKILLS synergetic project promotion activities
    - 14-05-2018
    and Danube SKILLS synergetic project promotion activities

    Croatian Partners CRUP and FPZ jointly promoted synergetic projects GREEN DANUBE and Danube SKILLS at two events last week. The first event was International Conference on Science and Traffic Development ZIRP 2018 held on May 10th, 2018. More...

    - 03-05-2018

    GREEN DANUBE project development was presented during the meeting of WG Tech of Danube Commission that took place on 16-20 April 2018.

  • GREEN DANUBE - at a National Working Meeting on EUSDR
    - 02-05-2018
    at a National Working Meeting on EUSDR

    On Thursday, April 26th 2018, ACTEDJ was invited to participate in the working meeting organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the context of the upcoming presidency of the EUSDR that will be held by Romania and the future funding...

  • GREEN DANUBE - First National Workshop on Greening Strategy
    - 02-05-2018
    First National Workshop on Greening Strategy

    The Austrian National Workshop on greening technologies took place in Vienna on 18th April 2018. Stakeholders from Austria and other European countries presented and discussed the needs and opportunities of modernising the Danube fleet.

  • GREEN DANUBE - Second set of air quality measurements in full progress
    - 20-04-2018
    Second set of  air quality measurements in full progress

    This is the second set of measurements out of the three which will be performed during our project. It started a few days ago and currently the field team experts are travelling to the next critical environmental area on the Danube River.

  • GREEN DANUBE - IWT vessels regime and technologies database
    - 04-04-2018
    IWT vessels regime and technologies database

    Output: Database on Inland Waterway Transport vessels regime and technologies

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)