GREEN DANUBE - raising public awareness on environment


On 2nd October RSOE project team has travelled to Varna, Bulgaria with the DunaPromo mobile Environmental Information Centre to raise public awareness on environmental aspects of inland navigation among Bulgarian 7 and 9 grade students. The aim of the action was to boost young people's commitment to environmental issues related to navigation in a light-hearted way. The hosting partner BDCA organised in a professional manner 24 enthusiastic students to play games at 5 different stations: ship simulator, traditional safety and history related tools, quiz, memory games and “green shipping”.

This event was the second in the row of the transnational campaign events organised by RSOE (National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications) with the Hungarian mobile IWT Environmental Information Centre, called DunaPromo. Additional events will follow in Austria and Hungary in the upcoming months.

The online games are available in English, German and Hungarian languages under the following web address:




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)