Danube Floodplain Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries

  • Danube Floodplain - First national and local stakeholder meeting in Romania, 05.12.2018
    - 27-12-2018
    First national and local stakeholder meeting in Romania, 05.12.2018

    National Administration Romanian Waters as a leader of Danube Floodplain project organized the first national and local stakeholders meeting in Craiova city, Dolj County, on December 5, 2018 at the headquarters of Jiu Water Basin Administration....

  • Danube Floodplain - Lessons learnt from ongoing projects in Danube Basin
    - 14-12-2018
    Lessons learnt from ongoing projects in Danube Basin

    Danube Floodplain project was presented on the Steering Group meeting of Danube Region Strategy’s Priority Area 5 (environmental risks). The participants received much information about other ongoing projects mainly funded by Danube Transnational...

  • Danube Floodplain - First Capitalization Event, 27.11.2018.
    - 03-12-2018
    First Capitalization Event, 27.11.2018.

    The first Capitalization Event of the Danubefloodplain project was held on 27.11.2018. as a virtual event, open to invited press and stakeholders. The aim of the event was to enhance cooperation between the pole members, thus ensuring...

  • Danube Floodplain - Annual Scientific Conference of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Bucharest
    - 03-12-2018
    Annual Scientific Conference of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, Bucharest

    Within 20-21 November 2018, the Annual Scientific Conference of the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management took place in Bucharest with the theme: "A Century of Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Management in Romania". The...

    - 08-10-2018

    DANUBE FLOODPLAIN project kick-off meeting sets the stage for 30 months of intense transnational cooperation across the Danube river basin. The DANUBE FLOODPLAIN Project (Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube...

  • Danube Floodplain - Kick-Off Meeting, Steering Committee and Stakeholder Engagement Workshop, Bucharest, Romania
    - 13-09-2018
    Kick-Off Meeting, Steering Committee and Stakeholder Engagement Workshop, Bucharest, Romania

    We are pleased to announce that the KICK-OFF MEETING AND THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF DANUBE FLOODPLAIN PROJECT will take place in BUCHAREST, ROMANIA during 27th and 28th September 2018. The main objective of the Danube Floodplain project is...

  • Danube Floodplain - Preparation of the 1st meeting of partners
    - 13-09-2018
    Preparation of the 1st meeting of partners

    In 24th August 2018, the National Administration Romanian Waters as Lead Partner, organised  a Skype meeting with the Work Package leaders to boost the start of the project.  The participants who joined the Skype meeting represented the...

  • Danube Floodplain - Starting of the implementation of the Danube Floodplain project
    - 13-09-2018
    Starting of the implementation of the Danube Floodplain project

    Tha Danube Floodplain project implementation started under the coordination of the work package leaders in particular under the work packages 3 (Floodplain evaluation)  and 4 (Flood prevention pilots), both activities requesting specific data...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)