Danube Floodplain - Starting of the implementation of the Danube Floodplain project


Tha Danube Floodplain project implementation started under the coordination of the work package leaders in particular under the work packages 3 (Floodplain evaluation)  and 4 (Flood prevention pilots), both activities requesting specific data collection.

Under the Work Package 3 (Floodplain evaluation) an expert meeting was organised by the colleagues from IPA PP1 Jaroslav Cerni Institute for Development of Water Resources, in Belgrade (Serbia), in 22nd August 2018, to exchange the existing knowledge and ideas related the DanubeGIS and DFGIS and the potential data sources for the database.

The topic disscused have been: Presentation of the experiences of DanubeGIS concerning data gathering and database setup ; potential data sources in Danube Floodplain project and data gathering concept; the draft template of data collection from partners and discussion about WP 3.1 tasks and timing.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)