Danube Floodplain Reducing the flood risk through floodplain restoration along the Danube River and tributaries

Name Type Email Country
National Administration ”Romanian Waters” Lead partner anemari.ciurea@rowater.ro ROMANIA
University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna ERDF partner helmut.habersack@boku.ac.at AUSTRIA
Danube River Basin Directorate ERDF partner rumeliya.petrova@bddr.org BULGARIA
Croatian Waters - Legal entity for water management ERDF partner bojana.Horvat@voda.hr CROATIA
Morava River Basin Authority ERDF partner vesely@pmo.cz CZECH REPUBLIC
Technical University of Munich ERDF partner markus.disse@tum.de GERMANY
Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt ERDF partner bernd.cyffka@ku.de GERMANY
Middle Tisza District Water Directorate ERDF partner tiszaoffice@kotivizig.hu HUNGARY
University of Szeged ERDF partner blankav@geo.u-szeged.hu HUNGARY
Slovak Water Management Enterprise ERDF partner daniel.kindernay@svp.sk SLOVAKIA
Water Research Institute ERDF partner holubova@vuvh.sk SLOVAKIA
Slovenian Water Agency ERDF partner blazo.durovic@gov.si SLOVENIA
Ministry of Waters and Forests ERDF partner gheorghe.constantin@map.gov.ro ROMANIA
National Institute for Hydrology and Water Management ERDF partner andreea.galie@hidro.ro ROMANIA
World Wide Fund Danube Carpathian Association Romania ERDF partner cionescu@wwfdcp.ro ROMANIA
World Wide Fund for Nature Hungary ERDF partner tamas.gruber@wwf.hu HUNGARY
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe ERDF partner sabina.bokal@gwpcee.org SLOVAKIA
Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources IPA partner dragana.ninkovic@jcerni.rs Serbia
International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Associated partner igor.liska@unvienna.org AUSTRIA
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Associated partner clemens.neuhold@bmlfuw.gv.at AUSTRIA
General Directorate for Water Associated partner dobi.laszlo@ovf.hu HUNGARY
Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection Associated partner klaus.arzet@stmuv.bayern.de GERMANY

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)