Danube Floodplain - Lessons learnt from ongoing projects in Danube Basin


Danube Floodplain project was presented on the Steering Group meeting of Danube Region Strategy’s Priority Area 5 (environmental risks). The participants received much information about other ongoing projects mainly funded by Danube Transnational Program. The lessons learnt from them would be useful during the Danube Floodplain project implementation. 

Different water retention measures will be tested on pilot sites in the FRAMWAT project, the knowledge exchange on them would be useful on the Danube Floodplain project’s pilot sites. The Danube Sediment project has clear connection, as one of its final results is a Sediment Manual that will include many inputs for any upcoming floodplain restoration projects.  The Water at Risk project also has similarities, since it draws the attention to the importance of water retention on our rivers’ catchments. The drought is an increasing risk in the Danube basin that is analysed on pilot areas in this project. The JOINTISZA project will develop the draft 2nd Integrated River Basin Management Plan for Tisza. This includes the program of measures that will be an important chapter to read by the Danube Floodplain project’s partners, when the proposed measures will be discussed.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)