Final Conference
Can sustainability be an attractive development objective for regions in the future?
ATTRACTIVE DANUBE Project Final Conference
Postojna, Slovenia, 28th – 29th May 2019
Hosted by: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia
Conference Venue: Hotel Jama, Postojna
Everyone is trying to attract people to come and live in their region, investors to start up their businesses there, tourists to come and visit, ideally all year round and not only during the main tourist season. But, where does the limit lie? More people, more traffic, more waste, higher requirements for a better transport infrastructure, investments and local accommodation arrangements.
What effect do all these issues have on the wellbeing of the local population? How do we regulate them? Where do we make the compromise? We are inviting you discuss these dilemmas at the Attractive Danube Final Conference.

Predjama Castle – largest cave castle in the world, Postojna, Slovenia (Photo: Visit Postojna)
Introductory session: Attractiveness of European regions
Welcome notes:
Milan Brajnik, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, director
Key note speeches: Attractiveness of European regions
Blaž Barborič, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Attractive Danube project manager
Improving Capacities for Enhancing Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region, project achievements
Sabina Leopa,
Capacity building seminars for enhanced multilevel governance, achievements
Urška Dolinar, Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials, director
UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme, sustainable development of biosphere reserves: case of future first-world pentalateral Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube, so-called Amazon of Europe
Marie Petrová, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Sustainability - Crucial Approach in Territorial Development
Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Full professor, Chair of Agrometeorology, Agricultural Land Management, Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Attractive region vs. sustainable region
Interactive workshops with all participants, discussing the pressures on attractiveness of the regions and participatory planning
Lunch break and conference conclusions
Panel discussion: Can sustainability be an attractive development objective for regions in the future?
Invited panellists:
Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Full professor, Chair of Agrometeorology, Agricultural Land Management, Member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Jasna Gabrič, Mayor of Municipality of Trbovlje, selected in the List of top 10 mayors of World Mayor Honours, elected the youngest Slovenian mayor in 2014 with 33 years
Efrain Larrea, MCRIT, Leader of the consortium developing the new ESPON Macro-Regional monitoring tool
Katharina Schleidt, DataCove: Environmental Information Insights
Tomi Ilijaš, Arctur d.o.o., CEO, leading the platform Tourism 4.0
Martin Bratanič, Regional Development Agency Posavje, Director; TERIS – network for territorial cooperation in South-eastern Europe ; co-organiser of Danube Business Forum
Networking dinner and visit of the Predjama Castle
- Networking dinner in the Hotel Jama (18:30)
- Departure by bus to the Predjama castle (20:00)
- Guided night visit of the Predjama castle (20:30)
- Transfer back to the hotel (22:00)
Poster Session
Attractive Region vs. Sustainable Region: Showcase of sustainable practices
We cordially invite all projects and initiatives tackling attractiveness of regions to present their posters and project materials at the conference - e.g. from Interreg programmes, Horizont 2020, Life etc.
Poster session will be open on Tuesday 28th May, 9:00 - 16:30.
To apply please contact Mr Blaž Barborič: and indicate if you need a table and/or poster stand.
Attractiveness vs sustainability in practice: study tour to the sensitive Karst area
Guided tour of the Škocjan caves, UNESCO heritage site, the largest known underground canyon in the world
Visit of the Škocjan Park protected area
Exchange of experience between participants
Transfer back to hotel Jama and networking lunch in Modrijan Homestead at 14:30
Conference participants:
• Ministries in charge of spatial planning, infrastructure, environment, regional development, economy
• Regional development agencies, regional and local authorities
• Expert organisations: planning institutes, faculties
• EU Strategy for the Danube Region, EU funding programmes (Interreg)
• NGOs and private sector organisations dealing with spatial planning, regional development, tourism etc.
Additional information:
• Conference and study tour participation is free of charge. Accommodation is not included and shall be covered by participants.
• The conference will be held in English.
Registration is closed
Hotel reservation:
If you plan to stay overnight, please book the hotel Jama at special conference rates via the enclosed registration form.
For further info please contact Blaž Barborič:
+386 31 524 367
Conference Venue: Hotel Jama, Postojna
Address: Jamska cesta 28, SI-6230 Postojna, Slovenia
The hotel located in the heart of the Postojna Cave Park is the best choice for visitors to Postojna Cave and the Predjama Castle. Despite its close proximity to one of the world's most popular tourist attractions, it boasts peace and tranquillity in the midst of unspoiled nature.

Hotel Jama, Postojna (Photo: Postojna Cave Park)