Programme and project news and events

  • Living Danube Limes - Good Practice Workshop Living History and Virtual Reality
    - 17-06-2021
    Good Practice Workshop Living History and Virtual Reality

      Good Practice Workshop Living History and Virtual Reality   From March 22 to 26 2021 a...

  • Living Danube Limes - Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day
    - 17-06-2021
    Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day

      Hadrian's Wall Networkiing Day   From February 27th to March 5th the annual Hadrian’s...

  • Danube S3 Cluster - Join EntreComp Europe now!
    - 16-06-2021
    Join EntreComp Europe now!

    EntreComp Europe is an initiative co-funded by the EU’s COSME programme. The European Commission developed EntreComp – the European Entrepreneurship Competence Framework – as a free reference framework to promote an entrepreneurial mindset....

  • ISTER - Are you ready to experience the Roman past of Emona, the first Roman town in the territory of Slovenia?
    - 16-06-2021
    Are you ready to experience the Roman past of Emona, the first Roman town in the territory of Slovenia?

    The heritage of Emona is associated with the heritage of the Danube provinces of the former Roman Empire. Archaeological Park Emona is actively involved in the international project ISTER, which is part of the DANUBE REGION. The project’s...

  • CD SKILLS - Assessing current state of the art in Celiac disease management
    - 15-06-2021
    Assessing current state of the art in Celiac disease management

    At the last meeting of ESPGHAN (European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition; Coeliac Disease Special Interest Group (CD SIG) organised last week (June 2021), it was decided that a tool...

  • URBforDAN - Educational activities for 350 pupils from Cluj
    - 15-06-2021
    Educational activities for 350 pupils from Cluj

      Education and recreation in...

  • DanubePeerChains - The 2nd DanubePeerChains Steering Committee Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of June.
    - 15-06-2021
    The 2nd DanubePeerChains Steering Committee Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of June.

    The 2nd DanubePeerChains Steering Committee Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of June. On the first day of the meeting, the project partners CLUSTERO, Biz-Up and ZICER, presented the results achieved so far within three work...

  • EcoVeloTour - The EcoVeloTour Guidelines for Sustainable Bicycle Tourism have been published
    - 15-06-2021
    The EcoVeloTour Guidelines for Sustainable Bicycle Tourism have been published

    In the last periods the preliminary version of the Guidelines, published in April 2019, was used as the basis for the development of eco-tourism strategies in the partner regions East Bavaria, Košice, Ruse, Subotica and Tulcea. The...

  • lifelineMDD - Mura River bird census
    - 14-06-2021
    Mura River bird census

    Between April and June 2021, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation together with external contractor DOPPS, Birdlife Slovenia, organized a river bird census. We conducted a census of river birds on the Mura River in...

  • Living Danube Limes - Invitation to a Lecture
    - 14-06-2021
    Invitation to a Lecture

      Living Danube Limes and the romans in Slovakia   Margaréta Musilová from the Municipality...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)