URBforDAN - Educational activities for 350 pupils from Cluj


Education and recreation in one


Cluj-Napoca Municipality and Cluj Metropolitan Area organizes a series of educational-recreational activities for pupils from Cluj, as part of the European project URBforDAN. During the Interreg project a region of 34 hectares of Făget forest was designed to become a suitable space for carrying out this kind of activities.


350 pupils learning about nature in nature


During the entire month in June 350 pupils from the 3rd and 4th grades from Cluj-Napoca will have nature trips in the forest-park Făget. These activities are meant to reveal the richness of plant and animal species in the urban forest and will for sure bring unforgetable moments in nature for the children. These educational and recreational activities were started in early June also to mark two important days:1st of June, Children's Day, and 5th of June, World Environment Day.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)