Living Danube Limes - Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day


Hadrian's Wall Networkiing Day


From February 27th to March 5th the annual Hadrian’s Wall Networking Day took place in an online and slightly altered format – it lasted for more than a week and featured a series of lectures and “chance to chat” sessions on the Hadrian’s Wall Community Archaeology Project (WallCAP), including volunteering during a pandemic, information about recent excavation and repair work on the Hadrian’s Wall, World Heritage Site Management in the UK and insights into the collaboration initiative between Hadrian’s Wall and the Great Wall of China.


Hadrian’s Wall, which as its name from the Roman Emperor Hadrian ordering it, built in the North of the Roman province of Britannia in the 2nd century CE, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as is its twin even farther North, the Antonine Wall.


It was a great pleasure for Danube University Krems to present the Living Danube Limes project with its aims and goals at the 2021 Hadrian’s Networking Days and we are looking forward to further possibilities of cooperation, especially in light of the upcoming 1900 year anniversary of Hadrian’s Wall in 2022. For further information about the magnificent plans for 2022 on the Wall visit our British colleagues online:


Website Hadrian's Wall


The paper presenting Living Danube Limes was entitled “The EU Living Danube Limes Project” and can be also watched online:


Watch Living Danube Video here!




Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)